Ata-Malik Juvayni

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Atâ-Malek Juvayni (1226–1283) (Persian: عطاملک جوینی), in full, Ala al-Din Ata-ullah (علاءالدین عطاءالله), was a Persian historian and an official of the Mongol state who wrote an account of the Mongol Empire entitled Tarīkh-i Jahān-gushā (History of the World Conqueror).


  • The Sultãn then went towards Dewal and Darbela and Jaisî… The Sultãn raised a Jãmi‘ Masjid at Dewal, on the spot where an idol temple stood.
    • Ata-Malik Juvayni Tãrîkh-i-Jahãn-Kushã. Sultãn Jalãlu’d-Dîn Mankbarnî (AD 1222-1231) Debal (Sindh) Elliot and Dowson., Vol. II. pp. 398
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