Castlevania: Symphony of the Night

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Castlevania: Symphony of the Night is an action-adventure game developed and published by Konami for the PlayStation. It is part of the Castlevania video game series, and is the first installment of the series released on the PlayStation. Symphony of the Night is a direct sequel of Castlevania: Rondo of Blood and continues the plot of its predecessor.



Konami. Castlevania: Symphony of the Night. Konami. PlayStation. (in English). (October 2, 1997)

[Richter Belmont arrives in Dracula's chamber]
Richter Belmont: Die, monster! You don't belong in this world!
Dracula: It was not by my hand that I'm once again given flesh. I was called here by humans who wish to pay me tribute.
Richter: "Tribute"?! You steal men's souls, and make them your slaves!
Dracula: Perhaps the same could be said of all religions.
Richter: Your words are as empty as your soul! Mankind ill needs a savior such as you!
Dracula: What is a man? [flings his wine glass aside] A miserable little pile of secrets! But enough talk! Have at you!

[Alucard is met by Death]
Death: Ah, Alucard. What is your business here?
Alucard: I've come to put an end to this.
Death: Still befriending mortals. I'll not ask you to return to our side, but I demand you cease your attack.
Alucard: I will not.
Death: You shall regret those words. We will meet again. [Death steals Alucard's equipment and vanishes]

[In his dreams, Alucard sees his mother Lisa about to be burned on a cross]
Alucard: Mother!
Lisa: That voice! Alucard, it's you!
Alucard: I'm coming, Mother! I'll save you!
Lisa: No, Alucard! Don't come here!
Alucard: But Mother!
Lisa: It's all right! If my death can save others, I gladly surrender my life.
Alucard: Mother! No! Please! No!
Lisa: Yes, Alucard! Watch me die and remember always my last words to you.
Alucard: Yes, Mother.
Lisa: You must despise humans. They are to be your prey.
Alucard: What?!
Lisa: Better for them to die than to let them compound their sins. Begin by slaying that one, over there.
Alucard: No. It wasn't like this.
Lisa: What's wrong? Alucard?
Alucard: My mother never said such a thing.
Lisa: What do you mean? Kill them and bring them happiness!
Alucard: No! You're not my mother! What kind of demon are you?!
["Lisa" turns into a Succubus]
Succubus: [laughing] You broke free of my spell. I like that.
Alucard: Demon, death is too good for you!
Succubus: Come here, little boy, and show me what you've got.

(After defeating the Succubus)
Succubus: Darkling! I smell your blood. You're a vampire. Could it be--? [Alucard doesn't speak] That strength, that beauty. You're the son of Lord Dracula.
Alucard: Death in the dream world will set your soul wandering for eternity, Demon.
Succubus: Wait, I beg of you! [the Succubus moans sexually as the dream fades to white]

[Alucard and Dracula meet face-to-face]
Alucard: Father.
Dracula: Well met, my son! It's been a long time.
Alucard: I was hoping we would not see each other again. I can't allow you to leave here, father.
Dracula: You have ever been the ally of humans. Have you forgotten what they did to your mother?
Alucard: Think you I would forget such a thing? No, but neither do I seek revenge against them.
Dracula: Still uttering the same nonsense. No matter. Now is the time to put aside your weak human side, and join me in remaking this world!
Alucard: Dracula, in the name of my mother, I will defeat you again!
Dracula: [approaches Alucard on what appears to be a demonic throne] Behold my true form and despair!

[after defeating Dracula]
Alucard: Go back whence you came! Trouble the soul of my Mother no more!
Dracula: How? How--How is it that I've been so defeated?
Alucard: You have been doomed ever since you lost the ability to love.
Dracula: Ha--Ah... Sarcasm. "For what profit is it to a man if he gains the world, and loses his own soul?" Matthew 16:26, I believe. [Alucard doesn't speak] Tell me. What--What were Lisa's last words?
Alucard: She said "Do not hate humans. If you cannot live with them, then at least do them no harm. For theirs is already a hard lot". She also said to tell you that she would love you for all of eternity.
Dracula: Lisa, forgive me. Farewell, my son...

[Ending varies based on percentage of in-game map completion]
Ending 1 (less than 197%)
[Alucard arrives to see Richter and Maria standing outside]
Alucard: So you've made it.
Maria Renard: Alucard. I'm glad you're alright.
Richter: I'm sorry. 'Tis my fault you had to fight your own father.
Alucard: Fear not. I had my own reasons for destroying him.
Richter: It must have been painful for you.
Alucard: Indeed. But you must always remember that the only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.
Richter: I understand.
Maria Renard: Alucard, what will you do now?
Alucard: The blood that flows through my veins is cursed. 'Twould be best for this world if I were to disappear forever.
Maria Renard: I see.
Alucard: Farewell then. We'll not meet again. [Alucard walks away]
Maria Renard: Alucard--
Richter: Don't you want to go after him, Maria?
Maria Renard: No, maybe it is best this way. And some day perhaps, we will meet again. And on that day--
Richter: I see.
Maria Renard: Now let's go. Everyone's waiting for us.
Richter: Yes. Let's get out of here.
Ending 2 (more than 197%)
[Alucard arrives to see Richter and Maria standing outside]
Alucard: So you've made it.
Maria Renard: Alucard. I'm glad your all right.
Richter: I'm sorry. 'Tis my fault you had to fight your own father.
Alucard: Fear not. I had my own reasons for destroying him.
Richter: It must have been painful for you.
Alucard: Indeed. But you must always remember that the only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.
Richter: I understand.
Maria Renard: Alucard, what will you do now?
Alucard: The blood that flows through my veins is cursed. 'Twould be best for this world if I were to disappear forever.
Maria Renard: I see.
Alucard: Farewell then. We'll not meet again. [Alucard walks away]
Maria Renard: Alucard--
Richter: Don't you want to go after him, Maria?
Maria Renard: I'm sorry. I can't let him disappear from my life.
Richter: It's alright. Go after him. Perhaps you can save his haunted soul.
Maria Renard: Thank you, Richter. Fare thee well.
Richter: And yourself, dear lady. (Maria runs off after Alucard)

[When attempting to play the PlayStation disc in a CD player]
Alucard: As you can see, this is a PlayStation black disc. Cut #1 contains computer data, so please don't play it. But you probably won't listen to me anyway, will you?
[The disc then proceeds to play a hidden music track. This will also work if you trigger the CD mode of the Sony PlayStation 1 or Sony PlayStation 2.]

Quotes (PSP version)


Konami. Castlevania: Dracula X Chronicles. Konami. PlayStation Portable. (in English). (October 23, 2007)

(Richter Belmont arrives in Dracula's chamber)
Richter: Dracula. Die now, and leave this world! You'll never belong here!
Dracula: Oh, but this world invited me. Your own kind called me forth with praise and tribute.
Richter: Tribute? You're a thief. You steal men's souls, their freedom...
Dracula: Freedom is always sacrificed to faith, good hunter. Or are you truly here by choice?
Richter: All I'm here for is you. To hell with your heresy! You're nothing but a blight on mankind.
Dracula: Ha! Mankind. (flings his wine glass aside) A cesspit of hatred and lies. Fight for them, then, and die for their sins!

(Alucard is met by Death)
Death: Ah, Alucard. What is your business here?
Alucard: I've come to put an end to this.
Death: Ever the insolent boy... but there'll no games here. If you will not behave, begone.
Alucard: I will do neither. Step aside, old man.
Death: Ha! Such arrogance. Very well... but I shall see you very soon. (Death steals Alucard's equipment and vanishes)

(Alucard and Dracula meet face-to-face)
Alucard: Father...
Dracula: Well met, my son! It's been a long time.
Alucard: Not nearly long enough. I can't allow you to leave here, Father.
Dracula: Do you still side with humanity? Have you forgotten what they did to your mother?
Alucard: You think I would forget such a...! No. But neither do I seek revenge against them.
Dracula: Enough of your nonsense! Away with your humanity! Stand with me as Prince of all the world!
Alucard: You will never touch this world again. In Mother's name, I swear it!
Dracula: (approaches Alucard on what appears to be a demonic throne) Tremble before my true form!
(After defeating Dracula)
Alucard: Go back to the abyss! Trouble the soul of my mother no more!
Dracula: H-How?! How could I have lost?!
Alucard: You lost your heart. Your soul. You'll never win without them.
Dracula: Ah, how poetic. So I tragically sacrificed all I held dear in a search for power, did I?
Alucard: Did you not?
Dracula: Hmph. Tell me. What... What were Lisa's last words?
Alucard: She said, "Do not hate humans. If you cannot live with them, then at least do them no harm, for theirs is already a hard lot." ...She also said that she would love you. For eternity.
Dracula: Lisa, forgive me. Farewell, my son.

[Alucard arrives to see Richter and Maria standing outside]
Alucard: So you made it.
Maria: Alucard! You're all right!
Richter: So you had to fight your own father? It's my fault. If I hadn't been so weak, we wouldn't be here.
Alucard: Not so. I had my own reason to face him.
Richter: Still... It couldn't have been easy.
Alucard: It wasn't. But remember "The only thing necessary for evil to triumph..."
Richter: " for good men to do nothing."
Maria: So, what now, Alucard?
Alucard: The blood in my veins is cursed. It's best for the world if I disappear, now and forever.
Maria: I see.
Alucard: Farewell, then. We'll not meet again.
Maria: Alucard.
Richter: Well, are you going after him, or not?
Maria: I'm sorry. I have to follow him. I can't just--
Richter: It's all right! Hurry up and catch him. If anyone can save him, you can.
Maria: Thank you, Richter. For everything.
Richter: Thank you... Maria.

About Castlevania: Symphony of the Night


See also
