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FoxTrot is a daily American comic strip by cartoonist Bill Amend centering on the daily lives of the Fox family. Syndicated by Universal Press Syndicate, it began syndication on April 10, 1988, and is now carried by over 1,000 newspapers. Twenty-seven FoxTrot books have also been published and have sold over two million copies to date.



FoxTrot (1989)

[while camping]
Peter: I don't think it's a good idea to bring Paige along.
Roger: Nonsense, it'll be good for her.
[out on the lake]
Roger: Okay, Paige, let me show you how to bait a hook...
Roger: Of course it's a worm.
Peter: Paige, sit down! You're gonna flip the-!
[their canoe flips over, dumping them and all their gear into the water]
Peter: Just for the record...
Roger: Be quiet and help me turn this thing over.

Pass The Loot (1990)


Peter and Paige are at a department store. Paige, wearing her usual blue jeans, is looking at swimsuits

Paige: I promise this won't take long, Peter.
Paige goes into dressing room; next panel she walks out, now wearing a one-piece swimsuit and checking herself out in the full-length mirror
Paige: Hey, Peter, what do you think?
Peter{offscreen}: Hubba hubba.
Paige: Really? Let me turn around. What about this side?
Peter{offscreen}: Va-va-VOOM!
Paige now has a big smile
Paige: Aw, Peter, you mean it? That is so sweet...
Paige walks over to Peter, who has his nose buried in a ladies' swimsuit catalog
Paige: ...or maybe typical pig behavior.
Peter: Yowza. Wonder if these girls also model thongs.

Black Bart Says Draw (1991)


Eight Yards Down And Out (1992)

Paige: Hurry up, I'm starving.
Roger: Hurry up? Paige, lighting a barbecue is an art! The last thing we want to do is hurry. From the careful stacking of the coals... to the liberal application of lighter fluid... to the graceful tossing of the match...
[Explosion of flame.]
Paige: To the near-routine dialing of 9-1-1...
Roger: That you can hurry.

[in Current Affairs]
Ms. Porter: OK, Nicole, I have here a map of the world with all of the countries' names removed. Would you please point out to the class where Iraq is.
Nicole: Hmmm... well, let's see... if this is America... then Iraq must be here.
Ms. Porter: [after an incredulous pause] Let's back up to that "if", Nicole.
Nicole: OK, if this is America...

Ms. Porter: Nicole, I find it truly distressing that you can't even find your own country on this map!
Nicole: All the names are missing.
Ms. Porter: Go by shape.
Nicole: How am I supposed to know what sort of stupid shape the U.S. is in?!
[another incredulous pause]
Ms. Porter: Interesting choice of words.
Nicole: Gimme a hint. Is this Hawaii or Australia?

Nicole: OK, this must be Iraq. Or Cuba.
Ms. Porter: That's enough guessing, Nicole. Please take your seat. Now will someone please come up here and correctly point out where Iraq is on the map? [Paige raises her hand] Paige?
Paige: [points] It's in here somewhere.
Ms. Porter: [applauds] Bravo. Did everyone see that?
Nicole: [as Paige takes her seat] How the heck did you know?
Paige: It was the only place you hadn't tried.
Ms. Porter: [off-panel] OK, this next question is for everyone except Paige...

Paige is reading a newspaper
Andy: Paige, may I have the paper?
Paige: In a moment, Mom. I need to do this for a school assignment.
Andy: School?
Paige: Ms. Porter, the geography teacher, assigned it. She said the class needs to be more in tune with what is happening in the world so she has asked us to read the newspaper for a minimum of fifteen minutes.
Andy: Sounds like a good idea. So what did you find out?
Paige: Garfield ate Jon's lunch.

Roger: Wow. We did a pretty good job on the ol' turkey this year. Did we finish all the stuffing too? Holy cow. I know we ate a lot, but I didn't think we are all of it! And the mashed potatoes... And the creamed onions... And the cranberry sauce... They're all gone? Hee hee - we really had quite a feast last night, didn't we?
Andy: You're using the royal "we", I assume.
Roger: AAAA! Did we eat all the pumpkin pie?!

Jason: Hey, Paige - what do you want for Christmas?
Paige: I dunno. New sunglasses... a watch... a leather jacket... why?
Jason: I'm trying to figure out what to ask Santa for for Christmas.
Paige: So what'd you ask what I want?
Jason: I want to get the anti-matter versions of your presents. That way, when they come into contact with your stuff, it'll all blow up. Haven't you ever seen "Star Trek"? Now, then, was a particular style of sunglasses you wanted?
Paige: Tell me, do you come in an anti-matter version?

Jason: Mom, can I use your computer for a while?
Andy: Why?
Jason: Well, to help Santa out, I've made a graph of my "goodness" over the past 11 months and I think it'd be more effective if I rendered it with the computer. Somehow, crayon doesn't quite cut it.
Andy: Can I see?
Jason: Essentially, I depict my year as a fluctuation between "very, very good" and "amazingly good" with a coupla spikes touching on "None Better." You know the saying "Computers don't lie"? I mean, that's just a saying, right?
Andy: You don't mind if I add today's data point, do you?

Bury My Heart At Fun-Fun Mountain (1993)

[Peter is in the principal's office.]
Mr. Krimpshaw: Peter, we both know that fighting simply cannot be tolerated. I'm afraid that your punishment will have to be one of severe magnitude.
Peter: I understand.
Mr. Krimpshaw: Detention: two weeks.
Peter: Yes, sir.
Mr. Krimpshaw: Clean-up detail: one week.
Peter: Yes, sir.
Mr. Krimpshaw: Probation: three months effective next fall.
Peter: Yes, sir.
Mr. Krimpshaw: And of course, I'll be calling your parents.
Peter: AAAA!
Mr. Krimpshaw: (thinking) God, I love this job.
Peter: (on his knees) Sir... please... I beseech you...

[Roger gives Andy a valentine card.]
Andy: For me? Roger, how sweet.
Roger: And I mean every word.
Andy: [Reads card to herself] "Dear Fatso: Roses are red, violets are blue; if something smells bad, it's gotta be you. Roses are red, emeralds green; you must weigh more than a washing machine. Roses are red, like a huge fiery comet; your face would make even Quasimodo vomit. Roses are red, tomatoes are too; if I had one now, I'd throw it at you. Roses are red, daffodils gold; you might look better if you scraped off that mold. Roses are red, looming huge to the ant; I wish you would drown in a waste treatment pl-"
[By now, Andy is visibly angry. Cut to Paige reading a card that Jason has just given her.]
Paige: "Your kisses sweet, like angels' song..."
Jason: Uh-oh.
Roger: [off panel] Andy, OW!

Say Hello To Cactus Flats (1993)

Denise: Peter, my mom wants me to ask you where you think this relationship is going. She wants me to find out how committed you really are... what your intentions are... basically, how you really feel about me.
Denise: Of course, I told her to put a sock in it.
Peter: [collapsing] I love you, Denise.

Peter: I can eat this taco with two squirts of hot sauce.
Jason: I can eat this taco with three squirts of hot sauce.
Peter: Four squirts.
Jason: Five squirts.
Peter: Six squirts.
Jason: Eat that taco.
Roger: [face-palming] The Cleavers lived a lie.
Paige: Nine squirts...
Andy: Paige, stay out of this!

Roger: (reading the sports section) I tell you, the Warriors look more and more like the team to beat. Of course, you can't discount Portland. They're most likely still the team to beat. And the Bulls, well, they're just on fire. Definitely the team to beat. But the Celtics look OK. Could be the real team to beat. Can't forget the Knicks. At home they're probably still the team to beat.
[wider panel showing that the whole family is sitting in the pews at church, with several members of the congregation staring at Roger]
Roger: Ooo - the Jazz. Now there's the team to beat.
Andy: (lifting her purse) Ask me whom I'd like to beat.
Peter: Here?
Paige: Now?
Jason: (skyward) Thank you.

Andy: Roger, have you seen this new show about Indiana Jones?
Roger: No. What about it?
Andy: Sometimes they show him when he is 16 years old, other times they show him at 10.
Roger: OK, what does that have to do with this family.
Jason: Presenting, Indy-10!
Peter: And Indy-16!
Andy: That.

Peter: How's your dinner, Indy-10?
Jason: Yummy. How's yours, Indy-16?
Peter: Good. It reminds me of the cuisine of the tribesmen of New Guinea. They, of course, use a heavier sauce.
Jason: You're forgetting I haven't been there yet.
Peter: Ah, yes. It'll be the spring of 1914. You'll have fun. Oh, by the way, they'll want your head.
Jason: Seems everyone does.
Roger/Andy/Paige: [in highly annoyed unison] I can only speak for me, but-
Peter: I learned a new language today...

Andy: Have you seen Jason? He was supposed to help with dinner.
Paige: The last I saw, he and Marcus were sprinting off into the hills.
Andy: What? He knows those hills are covered with poison oak this time of year! Why would he do something stupid like that?!
Paige: Ask me if I've seen Peter.
[Cut to the hills, where Peter, with suction cup darts Super-glued to his face, is furiously chasing Jason and Marcus, all three of them scratching themselves frantically.]
Peter: You can run (itch) but you can't (itch) hide...
Jason: That's (itch) what you (itch) think.
Marcus: Huff (itch) puff (itch)...

Jason's Voice on the Answering Machine: (CLICK) Hello and welcome to the Jason Fox Hotline-Your 24-hour source for all things Jason. For breakfast today, I had Cheerios and-
Roger: Why does everyone sound so darn grouchy on this thing?
Jason: Must be the tape.

May The Force Be With Us, Please (1994)

Roger: Son, lighting a fire is like romancing a beautiful woman. [Andy appears behind him.] ...Or so I've been told.
Peter: Hi, Mom.

Take Us To Your Mall (1995)

Jason: Hey Paige, wanna see the mystery novel I'm writing?
Paige: No.
Jason: C'mon, don't you want to see even a LITTLE of it?
Paige: No!
Jason: Pleeease? Are you SURE you don't want to see it?
Jason: Tough. It's top secret. Ba ha ha ha ha!
Paige: Speaking of mysteries...

Andy: Gretchen's a SNAKE?!
Jason: She's Miss O'Malley's boa constrictor.
Andy: You made that Valentine's Day card for a snake?!
Jason: Who'd you think it was for?
Andy: Well, for starters, a girl.
Jason: Eew! Gross! Ick! What kind of a weirdo do you think I am?!
Andy: Don't ask.
Jason: Would it be okay if Marcus and I built an android this weekend?

Paige: AAAA! Who taped over Melrose Place?!
Jason: Hey, don't blame me. You left the tape in the machine, dummy. When you record something, you should either watch it right away or take out the casette. How am I supposed to know what you've seen and what you haven't?!
Paige: You recorded a basketball game?
Jason: AAAA! Who taped over Babylon 5?!
Peter: Hey, don't blame me.

The Return of the Long Iguana (1996)

[As "The Lone Iguana"]
Jason: (to Paige) 'Scuse me, ma'am? Have you seen this here varmint? (holds up Paige's prom photo) She's wanted for illegally impersonating a horse. 'Course, she got the face and butt all mixed up.
[Cut to later, as a beaten-up Jason is showing the photo to Peter.]
Jason: That, and attempted murder.
Peter: Jason, go away.

Jason: [on Christmas morning] Yaaaa! A "Street Kombat II" game cartridge! This is the one I really wanted! Oh, thank you, Thank you! Thank you! Vidgamer Digest gave this cartridge its highest rating ever! It's supposed to be amazing! In this one round, you get to fight each other with rusty chainsaws! Marcus says they used SGI workstations to render the blood splatters in 3-D! For six months all I've dreamed about is owning this video game cartridge and now I've got it! I'm the happiest kid alive! This is what Christmas is all about. [pause] I mean, you know, apart from all that other stuff.
[Andy scoops Jason up with one arm and her purse with the other. Both are still wearing their bathrobes.]
Andy: Jason and I will be at church if anyone needs us.
Roger, Peter or Paige: In your pajamas?
Jason: What makes you think they're even open today?

Paige: Have you thought of a New Year's resolution?
Jason: Actually, yes, I have. I'm resolving to be your new best friend. Beginning Sunday, we'll be inseparable. When you watch TV, I'll watch TV. When you go to the mall, I'll go to the mall.
Paige: If you even think of following me to the mall...
Jason: ...And when you say things like that, I'll just say, 'I love you, sis.'"
Peter: I thought your resolution was to drive Paige nuts.
Jason: So I started a little early.

Paige: Peter, do you make New Year's resolutions?
Peter: Nope.
Paige: How come?
Peter: It just seems kinda pointless. You start out with all these high hopes and expectations, but then eventually reality sets in and it all goes out the window. Then you feel depressed until the next year, when you basically do the exact same thing all over again. It's an endless cycle of failure, why bother?
Paige: [rolling her eyes] This from a die-hard Red Sox fan.
Peter: Hey, they're winning it all this year - you watch.

Jason: Mom, I've got good news and bad news.
Andy: Oh?
Jason: The good news is Dad's not going to try to figure out the taxes himself this year.
Andy: Jason, that's not just good news. That's great news. Incredible news. The sort of news I've prayed to hear every April for the last 19 years... what's the bad news?
Jason: He's doing them on the computer.
Andy: [lowers her head to the table] Likewise, that's not just bad news...
Roger: [entering] Are floppy disks supposed to snap in half like this?

Roger: I don't get it - the stupid program won't install!
Jason: Dad, duh! You bought the Windows version!
Roger: So?
Jason: So we don't have Windows!
Roger: [points to wall] Are you nuts? There's a window right there!
Jason: [face-palming] Would you like me to go nuts?

Paige: [slams down the phone] Motherrr!
Andy: Paige, what's wrong?
Paige: These weirdos keep calling me up! I don't even know who they are! This one guy called from Norway! What the heck is going on?!
Andy: [glancing upstairs] Well, if I had to guess...
[in Andy's office upstairs, Jason and Marcus are at the computer]
Marcus: The Internet: the ultimate bathroom wall.
Jason: How's this? "For a really, really good time, call Paige at..."

At Least This Place Sells T-Shirts (1996)

Cashier at Fun-Fun Universe: That'll be $28.40.
Roger: For one Chili Fun-Fun Burger and Fries?!
Cashier: Oops. My mistake.
Roger: Sheesh. I should say so.
Cashier: I forgot the fries. That'll be $41 even.
Roger: Nothing like a vacation to make you appreciate your job.
Paige: Only one? Peter ate four of those.

Miss O'Malley: [off panel; the first three panels show Jason sitting back at his desk, grinning] Welcome back to school, class. I trust you all had a good summer vacation. I don't really have too much planned for today, except to... um... except to... All right, who wrote "Give really hard math test" on my "To Do" list?!
Andy: [later, at home] This note says the principal had to rescue you from some sort of mob.
Jason: It's been three months! You'd think everyone would want one!

Paige: [to herself, as she prepares to give a speech in her social studies class] OK, Paige, it's just a three-minute speech. Don't be nervous. Do what Dad said: imagine everyone is in their underwear. Yowza! It's like a Chippendales show! I've really got to stop listening to Dad.
Teacher: Miss Fox, can we get this started sometime today?

Peter: I guess I should get started on my book report. Oh, what the heck. There's always tomorrow.
Paige: Isn't it due tomorrow?
Peter: Yes, but there's always tomorrow morning.
Paige: My brother, the Evel Knievel of homework.
Peter: I guess I'll need a book. How late's the library open?

Peter: This World Wide Web is pretty cool. I mean, if I wanted to, I could access NASA photos...I could go into the Library of Congress and read historical texts...I could study the art collections of numerous European museums...
Steve: Emphasis on "if you wanted to."
Peter: Ooo - Miss December likes ice cream! Me, too!

Roger: Paige, your mother asked me to make you kids' lunches today. What kind of sandwich do you like?
Paige: Oh, I don't care. Peanut butter and jelly...bologna and cheese...tuna fish...whatever.
Roger: Gotcha.
Paige: My father is not of this earth.
Nicole: A peanut butter, tuna fish, bologna, jelly and cheese sandwich?!

Jason: [Dressed up like Jacob Marley from A Christmas Carol] Scrooooooooooooooge... Scroooooooooooooge...
Andy: Jason, I told you, I'm not raising your allowance and that's final!

[in the kitchen]
Roger: I just can't figure out this credit card statement.
Jason: In what way?
Roger: It's bizarre. It shows a purchase, then a credit, then a purchase, then a credit, then a purchase, then a credit... what's going on?? Is it a computer glitch?
Jason: Dad, think about it.
[in the living room]
Paige: Mom, please don't make me take this back!
Andy: Paige, that sweater cost more than my college tuition!

Jason: Hey, Paige, I didn't know you and Jane Goodall were buddies!
Paige: What are you talking about?
Jason: This magazine has a picture of you two standing arm-in-arm in the jungle.
Paige: She has her arm around a chimpanzee!
Jason: Oh. Whoops. My mistake.
Paige: That is so mean! Give me that!
Paige: Hey, Peter, I didn't know you and Jane Goodall were buddies!
Peter: What are you talking about?

Roger: OK, my pretty Valentine, now close your eyes...
Andy: You got me flowers?!
Roger: No...
Andy: Chocolates?!
Roger: No...
Roger: Andy, geez! You've been wanting a new spatula for years!
Andy: Ever wonder, Roger, why none of our kids have birthdays in November?

Andy: Roger, what is that thing in your mouth?!
Roger: It's a cigar.
Andy: I know that. What are you doing with it?
Roger: Fred gave it to me. Check out the fancy label: Aroma del Baño. [Spanish: "Smell of the bathroom"]
Andy: Roger, did you ever study Spanish in school?
Roger: My pronunciation is that good, eh?

Roger: So you shaved your head because you basically lost some stupid bet with the opposing team about who could eat the most double cheeseburgers in an hour?
Peter: Uh, yeah.
Roger: [rubs his eyes] Son, I'm going to say something that might sound a little insensitive, but here goes... I'M NOT THE BALDEST GUY IN THIS HOUSE ANYMORE! YEE-HA!
Peter: [getting up] Where's Mom? I think I should let her yell at me some more.

[Peter shaved his head after losing a bet.]
Jason: Please?
Peter: No!
Jason: Please! Just once!
Peter: All right, fine, but just once. [clears throat and takes off his hat] Ahead warp factor seven. Engage.
Jason: Goosebumps.

Roger: Why the long face?
Jason: Peter gave me his old magic set, but all the tricks in it are really lame. Look at this junk - cups and balls... sponge rabbits... a handkerchief that changes color... they call this MAGIC?! Where's the fire?! Where are the tigers?! Where's the bed of spears I can dangle myself over while I try to get out of leg irons?!
Roger: [to Andy off-panel] Dear, I take back all those jokes about your hair going gray.

Jason: Okay, I'm just gonna take a wild stab here... Professor Plum, with a candlestick, in the Conservatory. I'm right, aren't I? I did it! I won again! That's 14 times in a row I've beaten you! You have to admit it, Paige, either I am the greatest "Clue" player who ever lived, or you just plain, outright, suck wastewater... or both.
Paige: (chasing him) Paige Fox, with a game board, in the dining room.
Jason: MOM!

Come Closer, Roger, There's A Mosquito On Your Nose (1997)

Jason: Hey, Paige, want help with your math homework?
Paige: Nope.
Jason: Want help with your science homework?
Paige: Nope.
Jason: Want help with any of your homework?
Paige: Nope.
Jason: Hmmm. You're either getting smarter or wiser.
Paige: [sternly] By the way, Shakespeare's first name was "William," not "Chet."

Paige: How am I supposed to get my summer reading done with a Walkman that keeps breaking?!
Andy: Permit me to count to ten before answering.

Welcome To Jasorassic Park (1998)

Peter: [thinking] OK, Pete, this is it... it's all up to you now. Down by one... two outs... bases loaded... the final inning against your team's biggest rival... You've been striking out all year, but now fate has handed you this one, gigantic shot at redemption. This is exactly the sort of mythic moment that baseball is all about. Let's get it on.
Umpire: Strike one!
[Peter swings again.]
Umpire: Strike two!
[Peter swings again.]
Umpire: Strike three!
[Later, in the dugout.]
Peter: Mythic moments always seem to have better endings in the movies.
Teammate: Pete? Coach didn't want me to tell you, but the bus is about to leave.

[Roger is begging Andy's permission to dip into the family's savings account.]
Roger: Pleeeease can't I buy it?
Andy: No!
Roger: Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeease can't I buy it?
Andy: NO!
Roger: Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease can't I buy it?
Andy: I SAID NO!
Paige: (watching from the living room) It's like I'm having an out-of-body experience.
Jason: Trust me, you never sound this pathetic.
Roger: (offscreen) But it's the best golf club ever!
Andy: (offscreen) Roger, no! And I don't need a back-rub!

Roger: [whispering] Jason, shh.
Roger: Son, please keep your voice down.
[Later, up in his room.]
Jason: Ah, there's nothing like the smell of a crisp $10 bill.
Peter: Where do you get all this money?!

Jason: Yowza! I got two gumballs! The machine screwed up! I beat the system! I got two gumballs! Two fabulous, wonderful, succulent gumballs! Yes yes yes!
Girl: I think it was supposed to give you three.
Jason: Huh? ... Two measly gumballs.
Girl: Yowza! I got four gumballs!

Peter: So, Dad, I was thinking maybe I'd join the Marines.
Roger: [engrossed in a golf magazine] That's nice.
Peter: And become a vegan.
Roger: That's nice.
Peter: And start dating married women.
Roger: That's nice.
Peter: And have "666" tattooed on my forehead.
Roger: That's nice.
Peter: And stay out an hour past my curfew tonight.
Roger: Think again, mister.
Peter: [angrily walking away] One of these days, his filter's going to fail.
Paige: [off panel] So, Daddy, I was thinking of changing my name to a semicolon.
Roger: That's nice.

Jason: Suppose someone made chocolate chip cookies but left out the chocolate chips? What would you call them then? I mean, you can't just call them "cookies". And "chipless chocolate chip cookies" sounds sort of awkward. Hmm...
Paige: [scooping a handful] Personally, I'd call them "a crime against humanity."
Jason: We're trying to have a serious discussion here, Paige!
Marcus: Actually, I kind of agree with her.

Andy: [reading a list] Now, there are pre-made meals in the freezer... and don't forget to take the trash out tomorrow...
Roger: Andy, geez - you're only going to be gone a few days. How pathetically helpless do you think I am?!
Andy: [returning to the list] Also, I gave Irma next door a key, in case you lock yourself out of the house...
Roger: I'm waiting for an answer.

Jason: Can I strap rocket engines to Paige's dolls and launch them indoors? Mom usually lets me.
Roger: Nice try. You'll launch them outdoors, mister.

Andy: Roger, LOOK at this! You call this loading the dishwasher?! The plates are in wrong... the glasses are upside down... don't you know how to do this by NOW?! From now on, I'm doing all the dishes, OK?! Not you, ME! Got it?!
Roger: [To himself, while reading the newspaper, eating potato chips and drinking a beer] Sometimes I think having no knowledge is power.
Andy: Roger, LOOK at this! You call this folding the laundry?!

Paige: [in the car, riding home from the mall] I can't believe I've actually finished all of my back-to-school shopping! I've got the perfect back-to-school outfit... the perfect back-to-school purse... an adorable back-to-school hair-care ensemble... everything! I, Paige Fox, am now ready for school to start!
Peter: [very haggard] What about getting notebooks and stuff?
Paige: Oops.
Peter: If you think for one second that we're driving back to that mall...

I'm Flying, Jack... I Mean, Roger (1999)

[Roger is wearing earmuffs, a heavy coat and mittens, and chipping furiously at his car with an ice scraper.]
Roger: Stupid ice all over the windshield! Stupid ice all over the mirrors! Stupid ice all over the key hole!
Andy: I told you trying to wash the car today was lunacy.
Roger: (other hand comes up with the garden hose, which has icicles sticking out of the nozzle) Stupid ice all over my pant legs!

Roger: [outraged] Andy, I can't believe you deliberately told Jason to play video games all week so I couldn't watch any TV sports news! It's the week of the Super Bowl! You know how much football means to me! You know how I like to wrap myself in every nuance and detail and statistic about this contest! Sheesh - we've been married 20 years! Why would you, of all people, want to deny me the one true love of my life?! [realizes] ...Um, that didn't come out quite right.
Andy: [icily] Speaking as the other one true love of your life...

Eileen: I'm so psyched we have to give Valentine's cards to everyone in the class.
Jason: Not me.
Eileen: Think about it, Jason - if we just gave them to the people we liked, it'd be awfully embarrassing.
Jason: How so?
Eileen: You know, you and I singling each other out in such an obvious way.
[Jason flees in terror, leaving his lunch behind]
Eileen: [grabs Jason's pudding] Ah, the things I'll say to snag a chocolate pudding cup.
Teacher: [off panel] Jason, stop! That's a fire exit!

[Roger is sitting at the computer, on the telephone.]
Operator: [muzak] ...Please continue to hold. A representative will be with you shortly... [repeats four more times]
Roger: I liked tech support a lot more before they got caller I.D.
Peter: [rolling his eyes] This is what? Your eighth crash today?

Power outage
Paige: I thought the storm was bad. I thought this assignment was bad. I thought having no electricity was bad. But this has got to take the cake.
Peter: That you're studying by the light of a glow-in-the-dark Dracula model?
Paige: That I'm paying for the privilege to do so.
Jason: Low rates, Peter. I've got a Wolfman if you're interested.

Paige: You'd be proud of me, Dr. Ting.
Dr. Ting: Oh?
Paige: Even though our power went out from the storm, I somehow managed to read the assigned 46 chapters in our textbook using the light from birthday candles, glow-in-the-dark toys, and the occasional flashes from lightning. It was a total nightmare, but I am ready for today's quiz! I mean, we are having a quiz today, aren't we?
Dr. Ting: [sheepishly] Well, see, my power went out too, and since I keep quizzes on my computer...
[a few seconds later]
Offscreen Voice: Paige! Don't! That book is school property!
Dr. Ting: But you're right - I am proud of you.

Think iFruity (2000)

Peter: [strangling Jason] You think this is funny?!? You think tricking me into using permanent blue ink to draw a goatee on my face on a school night is funny?!? Just wait 'til I go tell Mom and Dad! We'll see who's laughing then, pal!
[Peter storms out of the kitchen... then stalks back in.]
Jason: Judging by your face, I'd say Mom and Dad.
Peter: [fuming] I'm moving out.
Andy: [off-panel] Peter, come back! We were guffawing with you!

Andy: Peter, that was Mrs. Humbargar on the phone. She said she saw you driving our station wagon down her street today like a runaway missile.
Peter: No way! Impossible! I swear to you, Mom, she couldn't have!
Jason: We were going much too fast to be seen.
Peter: You keep quiet!

Andy: I guess the only question now is what flavor of iFruit to get.
Jason: Geekdom is dead.
Salesman: We have all 32 colors in stock, but if you want Mango-Kiwi, you should get it soon. I hear they may discontinue that model.
Andy: ...As in retire? [grabs the salesman's shirt, holding up cash and credit cards] I WANT EVERY MANGO-KIWI YOU'VE GOT! DO YOU HEAR ME?! EVERY ONE! [rushes off]
Salesman: ...Sorry, kid. I'm not about to stop her.
Jason: These aren't Beanie Babies, Mom! Come back!
Andy: [off-panel] A truck! A truck! I need a truck!

Death By Field Trip (2001)

Paige: Still no messages? That's three straight days without a single, solitary email! I... I think I'm going to cry...
Paige: [offscreen] HALLELUJAH!
Peter: That truck stop must've finally painted its bathroom.
Jason: [holding up a felt pen] Then Jazorro shall ride again.

[On a field trip at the Science Museum]
Eileen: Cool! An actual vacuum tube from the original ENIAC computer!
Jason: Be still, my heart. I've never seen such beauty... such elegance... such perfection up close like this.
Eileen: Aw, you're so sweet!
Jason: Er... next exhibit, you're standing behind me.
Eileen: And you said this wouldn't be fun.

[Paige and Nicole are studying silently in the library.]
[They go back to studying silently. Later:]
Paige: Hmph. The nerve of that librarian kicking us out!
Nicole: We totally were averaging a whisper!

Jason: (recording a greeting on the family answering machine) Hi, you've reached the Fox residence. At the sound of the beep, leave your message. But first, here's Roger Fox with a message of his own:
[He carries the machine up the stairs to the bathroom, where Roger is showering.]
Roger: [singing] "I'm just a love machine, and I won't work for anybody but you... Ye-ah, baby..."
Jason: Don't blame me, Dad - you bought the cord long enough to reach your shower.
Roger: [clutching the answering machine with both hands] You did this how many weeks ago?!

Peter: Can I go over to Denise's house to study?
Andy: What subject?
Peter: Subject?
Andy: Yes, what subject will you be studying?
Peter: Chemistry?
Andy: Hmm.
[Cut to Peter and Denise on the sofa at Denise's house, about to kiss.]
Peter: I think my mom's getting suspicious.
Denise: It's not like we're lying.

Encyclopedias Brown And White (2002)

[P.O.V. shot from a camcorder, as Roger goes down a water slide.]
Roger: Whoo-hoo! Yee-ha! (aims at Andy) Hey, honey, smile!
Andy: (dropping her soda) Roger, you moron! That camera isn't waterproof!
Roger: (sees the splashdown pool approaching) Uh-oh...
[Brief underwater shot from the camera, replaced quickly by grainy static. Cut to Jason, Marcus and Quincy watching this in the living room.]
Marcus: Your dad takes some pretty funny home videos.
Jason: (glumly) Took.

Andy: What movie are you going to see?
Paige: "The Patriot".
Andy: What?! Absolutely not! Paige, that movie is rated "R" for a reason! It's violent and bloody and full of sadistic cruelty I don't want you seeing at your age! No way! No how! Not a chance, young lady!
Nicole: (as they walk away) I'd suggest "The Perfect Storm", but I think we just saw it.
Paige: (wiping her cheeks) Complete with spray.

Roger: It boggles my mind how expensive wine is.
Jason: Have you considered making your own?
Roger: My own?
Jason: Sure. It's a simple chemical process, and it's perfectly legal here where we live.
Roger: What a great idea, son! This could be the hobby I've been looking for!
[As Roger rushes off, Jason walks away, whistling.]
Jason: I told you there would be repercussions for not letting me play "Diablo 2".
Andy: Stop him! NOW!

Peter: Who wants to see me put 10 squirts of hot sauce on my taco? Who wants to see me put 20 squirts of hot sauce on my taco? Who wants to see me put this entire bottle of hot sauce on my taco?
Jason: (watching with Paige) Ah, the tears of a clown.
Andy: (off-panel) Peter, sucking on the ice maker won't get it to work any faster.

Denise: I think we should break up.
Peter: AAAAA!
Denise: And see other people.
Peter: AAAAA!
Denise: After all, it's not like you're that great a kisser.
Denise: [Hugging Peter] What's Halloween without a few good scares?
Peter: Whatever happened to saying "Boo"?!

[Peter is on the couch, watching the television with the remote in his hand.]
Carson Daly: Hi, I'm Carson Daly, and you're watching MTV's Thanksgiving-Break Beach Spectacular! Coming up, we've got performances by the Backstreet Boys! Ricky Martin! N Sync! 98 Degrees! But first, "Survivor"'s Richard Hatch is going to teach me how to crab-walk...
Paige: I guess you really did eat so much turkey you can't move.
Peter: (through tight lips) For the love of humanity, help me press this remote.
Carson Daly: Wait a minute... naked?!

His Code Name Was The Fox (2002)

Paige: You should have seen me in math class today, Mother! I was on! I mean on!
Andy: You did well, eh?
Paige: No one could bat their eyelashes as cutely as I did!
[Andy gives her a blank look.]
Paige: We had a really hunky substitute teacher.
Andy: [buries her head] Maybe if I wore a wig, I could pull my hair out without crying.

Eileen: Hey, Jason. Wanna come over to my house after school today?
Jason: Eileen, get real. You're a girl, I'm a boy. What could we possibly do together that'd be any fun?
[Eileen whispers in his ear.]
Jason: [swooning] Really? Oh, my!
Eileen: Don't be late.
[It turns out she is inviting him to play games on her new "Jupiter-64 Gamestation" console.]

[Jason and Marcus are filling their water pistols from the garden hose.]
Jason: You know what they call a 0.1134-Kilogrammer with cheese in Paris, Texas?
Marcus: They don't call it a 0.1134-Kilogrammer with cheese?
Jason: No, man, they don't use the metric system. They wouldn't know what the heck a 0.1134-Kilogrammer is.
Marcus: Then what do they call it?
Jason: They call it a Quarter Pounder With Cheese.
Marcus: Quarter Pounder With Cheese.
Paige: [to Peter] I told you renting Pulp Fiction last night was a very bad idea.
[Jason and Marcus appear, wearing knight helmets and aiming their water pistols]
Jason: Mind if we get medieval on your grass?

[seeing Paige in a bikini top and shorts]
Roger: Is our daughter growing, or is her clothing shrinking?
Andy: Both, I'm afraid.

[Andy is reading Entertainment Weekly]
Andy: It says here that the forthcoming season of The Sopranos has not yet wrapped.
Roger: I remember this season, it took them over a year to come on!
Andy: I know, God only knows how long it will take this time for them to film.
Jason is watching TV, now a full-grown man as he is drinking a can of beer and has grown a mustache
Dr. Melfi: I need to refill your prescription.
Tony Soprano: Da Prozac or da Geritol?

Andy: This is the secret vacation you have been planning all year?
Roger: Yes.
Andy: Roger, I have wanted to go to Caribbean since I was a little girl! Where is it? Saint Bart's? Saint Lucia? Anguilla?
Roger: Ummm.
Andy: And what do they mean by Caribbean-ny?
Roger: That is the best part. We can fly or drive there!

Airport. An extremely long queue is shown, to include an old man holding the hands of a tall blonde woman in a halter top, C-3PO and R2-D2, an a frumpy woman in a floral dress whose luggage matches her dress pattern. The Fox family is shown at the end of the line.
Andy: By the time we get there we will need to stand in line for the return trip.

Roger: I gave the tickets to you; didn't I?

Jason: Mom, this place is great! They give you stuff for free!
Andy: What are you talking about?
Jason: You just tell them your room number and you can have anything you want!
Andy: Jason, it's not free! They're just putting it on our bill!
Jason: Oops.
Andy: Why didn't I pack aspirin?
Paige: [Carrying several bags' worth of goodies] Get some at the gift shop. Everything's free.

Your Momma Thinks Square Roots Are Vegetables (2003)

iFruit: Sex! Sex! Sex! Sex! Sex! Sex! Sex! Sex! Sex! Sex! Sex! Sex! Sex! Sex! Sex!
Roger: The hard drive's been corrupted again.
Andy: It's that blasted internet connection, I'm telling you.

Andy: [Andy took an allergy decongestant which has clouded her brain] Kids? Roger? Dinner's ready!
Paige: [staring at the food on her plate] What the heck is this??
Andy: Stop that right now, Paige! I've had a very hard time today with my head all fogged up by decongestants, and I'd appreciate it just this once if you'd keep your comments to yourself.
Peter: Does pointing out that she served us ice cream count as a comment?
Paige: You heard her. Shhh!
Andy: Thirds already? Why, Jason!

Peter: [holding a hand to his mouth] Ow! Ow! Ow!
Andy: I told you the casserole was hot, Peter.
Peter: You misunderstand. Those were cries of pain from my taste buds.
Andy: [to Roger] Remind me again why we stress honesty in our children?
Roger: [holding a hand to his mouth] Ow! Ow! Ow!

Jason: [coughing into a mug] Hack! Khack! Khack! Hack! [hands mug to Roger] Here you go, Dad.
Roger: What's this?
Jason: I'm the cougher, which makes this mug the coughee. It's what you asked for.
Roger: Son, let me spell a few things out for you...

Jason: Your momma thinks square roots are vegetables.
Marcus: Oh, yeah? Your momma thinks polygons turn into frogs.
Jason: Well, your momma couldn't integrate a nested trig function, even if you let her use a computer.
Miss O'Malley: Boys, I said no trash talking before tests.
Jason: Sorry, Miss O'Malley.
Marcus: Oh, man, that last one hurt.

Peter: Mom, we are having turkey for Thanksgiving, right?
Andy: You've asked me that four times now, Peter.
Peter: I know, but sometimes you go all tofu-happy, and I just want to be sure you aren't planning to serve us some gross and disgusting veggie meal instead.
Andy: No, Peter, you'll be eating a real, honest-to-goodness dead turkey this Thursday. Its head chopped off, its blood drained out, its feathers yanked off, its organs pulled out, its cooked flesh cut and picked from its bones and put on our dinner table, all for the benefit of your little taste buds. No, sirree, there'll be nothing "gross and disgusting" served in this house.
Peter: Woohoo! Thanks!
Andy: Why do I even bother with sarcasm?

Andy: My New Year's resolution is to fit into my college blue jeans again.
Roger: Mine is to win a $100 million lottery.
Andy: Resolutions are supposed to be realistic goals, silly.
[Roger impassively sips his coffee.]
Andy: Okay, college sweat pants.
Roger: $50 million.

[Andy is preparing dinner.]
Andy: Some diced tofu and picked lima beans... followed by crispy corn husks and a drizzle of turnip oil. Oops, I forgot the low sodium salt.
[When she turns away from the stove, the flames suddenly shoot up high, then return to normal as she turns back.]
Andy: AAAAH! It burned in the split second I had my back turned! This is the second dinner I've ruined this week! I don't get it!
[Peter and Jason are watching from the hallway. Jason is fingering a remote control.]
Jason: When my toy dune buggy broke, I had to put the servos to good use somewhere.
Peter: The remote control stove. This could be huge.
Andy: [off-panel] Kids, I hope you don't mind pizza again.

[Andy is doing the bills in the kitchen. In the background is a shot of a window showing that it is cold and snowy outside.]
Andy: These monthly bills are insane! How do we let them get like this?! Why can't we wear warmer clothes and keep the thermostat down? Why did we order all these fancy options for our phone line? Why do we pay for cable TV instead of living with free broadcast?
[Paige wanders into the kitchen dressed in a midriff-baring shirt and shorts, holding a cordless phone receiver.]
Paige: I've got Nicole and Ashley on a conference call. Is it OK if I fly to the MTV Beach House for spring break so we can wave to Carson Daly?
[Later, Peter and Paige are shown huddling in front of the TV set, bundled up in winter clothing and freezing. The TV is now pulling in broadcast via a "rabbit ears" antenna.]
Peter: What did you say to her?!
Paige: I have no idea.
TV Announcer: ["Bzzt" - static] Next on ["Bzzt" - more static] Sesame Street...
Jason: Paige, you have a message on the telegraph.

Who's Up For Some Bonding? (2003)

[while Roger, Peter and Jason are away]
Andy: Let's talk about the birds and the bees.
Paige: Mother, please, we already had this discussion!
Andy: That was when you were 10. That was birds and bees, lesson 1. You're 14 now. It's time for birds and bees, lesson 2.
Paige: I do watch network television, you realize.
Andy: Good point. Let's skip to lesson 42.

[Jason and Roger are watching a football game.]
Jason: I can't believe that receiver didn't score!
Roger: No kidding!
Jason: The defender was totally out of position!
Roger: No kidding!
Jason: All he had to do was Left-Stick up, B-Button, A-Button, R1, L2, R1, and Boom! Touchdown!
Paige: Who threw our video game system in the trash?

Am I A Mutant, Or What? (2004)

Paige: Peter could you drive me to the mall?
Peter: [watching TV, eating potato chips] I would, Paige, but, um... but I have a big paper due tomorrow and I need to get started on it right now. [turns off the TV and gets up] Right this second, in fact.
[Peter runs upstairs. Later:]
Paige: You don't pull these tricks on me, do you?
Andy: Maybe. Here's your dollar.

Peter: [after being scolded by Andy for being slow in getting ready for a Christmas church service] Sheesh! What kind of a psycho church do we belong to? They can't even give us Christmas off!
Andy: I'll let that go without comment.

Paige: Is this the game Mom got you?
Peter: Nice City, yeah.
Paige: What do you have to do?
Peter: Well, the rules are a little unclear, but basically you have to hang out in this city and not kill anyone.
Paige: How freakishly counter-intuitive.
Peter: The gun shop doesn't even sell missiles.

Jason: How goes Nice City?
Peter: This stupid game is impossible! I have to help 12 little old ladies cross the street in under a minute! It can't be done!
[Jason watches Peter's next attempt.]
Jason: I don't think you're supposed to beat and rob them first.
Peter: Ah, maybe that's the trick.

Orlando Bloom Has Ruined Everything (2005)

Andy: What are you doing?
Jason: Composing digital music. This first song I call "Zero." This second one I call "One." Naturally, I'll hold the copyrights to both. Now anytime the record industry releases a CD, it'll constitute several billion instances of music piracy and I can sue them for trillions!
Andy: Remind me to keep you out of law school.
Jason: Ah, to live in America.

[Paige is watching the news.]
News Anchor: In Washington, the Justice Department today characterized the First, Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Amendments to the Constitution as "typos." In sports, the NCAA has determined that its annual men's basketball tournament is disruptive to academic schedules and will be abolished. In tech news, Microsoft chairman Bill Gates has challenged Linux creator Linus Torvalds to a winner-take-all Steel-Cage Judo Deathmatch. And on the business front, analysts are predicting a major spike in the economy as Paige Fox purchases her back-to-school pimple cream.
Paige: [to Jason] Will you stop hacking the CNN TelePrompter?!
Jason: Wolf Blitzer's about to say "Fear Me" in Klingon.

Andy: What's this?
Jason: [hands Andy a long scroll of paper] My Christmas list.
Andy: Jason, it's October! Why are you giving me this now?!
Jason: This way you'll have more time to negotiate a second mortgage.
Andy: How thoughtful.
Jason: [hands Andy a magnifying glass] I wrote kinda small. This might help.

[Roger comes home from work.]
Jason: [dressed in a trench coat, fedora, and sunglasses] What'd you get Mom for Valentine's Day?
Paige: [dressed in a headscarf and sunglasses, and holding a cigarette holder] What'd you get Mom for Valentine's Day?
Peter: [dressed in a tuxedo and sunglasses, and holding a martini glass] What'd you get Mom for Valentine's Day?
Roger: [rolling his eyes] I wish you'd call off your spies.
Andy: Kids, I said no costumes!

Andy: Peter, what are you eating?!
Peter: A microwave burrito.
Andy: NOW?!
Peter: Why not?
Andy: Dinner's in 10 minutes!
Peter: So?
Andy: What do you mean "so"?!
Peter: {annoyed} It doesn't take 10 minutes to eat a burrito, mom.

My Hot Dog Went Out, Can I Have Another? (2005)

Peter: [to Jason] Fire. Blinded by the Light. Born to Run. Do you suppose Springsteen once saw Dad trying to light charcoal?
Roger: [off panel] AAAA! I'm on fire! I'm on fire!

Cashier: May I take your order?
Peter: Yes, I'd like a burger, fries, and a root beer.
Cashier: Did you want a bun with your burger?
Peter: Um, Yes.
Cashier: And did you want potato in your french fries?
Peter: How else?
Cashier: Did you say root beer? We don't have diet root beer.
Peter: I meant regular root beer.
Cashier: Syd, I have a high-carb special order coming through. It might be a few minutes-he needs to find a bun.
Peter: (thinking) This Atkins craze can't end soon enough.
Customer: Can I exchange this salad? It has a crouton.

How Come I'm Always Luigi? (2006)


Houston, You Have A Problem (2007)


And When She Opened The Closet, All The Clothes Were Polyester! (2007)

[playing World of Warquest]
Jason: I am Glog Malblood, Orc Centurion!!! Prepare to face my wrath, puny night elf!!! Just don't touch me. I'm not sure this armor protects me from cooties.... Dang, I wish I hadn't said that. Now she's taking off her gloves.
Marcus: Can you run away wrathfully?

Jason: ...And it's said that if you listen, you can still hear the sound of his beating heart!
Paige: Lame.
Jason: ...And there, dangling from the car door's handle, was a bloody metal claw!
Paige: Yawn.
Jason: ...It's wasn't until they got home that they learned the McCoy Lodge had burned down 25 years ago!
Paige: Face it, Jason. You can't scare me.
Jason: [pauses, then continues] ...And when she opened the closet, all the clothes were polyester!
Paige: AAAA!
Jason: I just needed to warm up.
Paige: Tell me it's not true! Tell me it's not true!

Teacher: Peter, about your paragraph on Thomas Edison...
Peter: What about it?
Teacher: It's a word-for-word copy of what's on Wikipedia. I expect you to do original work.
Peter: Who's to say I didn't write the Wikipedia entry myself?
Teacher: Save the loopholes for law school, son.

Jason: (pacing in front of the TV, crying) Waa! Waa! Waa!
Andy: I'm starting to think Nintendo misnamed the Wii.
Roger: Jason, waiting until Christmas won't kill you!

Paige: Your stupid iguana chewed up my book report!
Jason: Oops.
Paige: It's totally ruined! It's in little scraps all over my floor! I thought we had an understanding, Jason! I wanted my math assignment chewed up! The book report I liked!
Jason: He'll do the next two for free. How's that?

Roger: [shopping for a Christmas tree] "Sold." "Sold." "Sold"... "Sold"... "Sold"... "Sold"... Aarg! I just knew I should have done this last weekend! Oh, wait! That little tree over there isn't sold yet... Noooooooooo!...
Linus: Sorry, mister.
Charlie Brown: [walking away with the tree from A Charlie Brown Christmas] You snooze, you lose!

Andy: What's that?
Jason: A petition signed by all of my classmates. They're demanding you let me play World of Warquest these last two weeks of school.
Andy: Jason, I want you to do your best on final exams. If you play that game, it's not going to happen. Your classmates realize this. Why don't you?
Jason: Hmm. That would explain all the repeat signatures.



Roger Fox

Andy: [sporting a new haircut, in the early strip that introduces her "signature" hairstyle] So do you like it?
Roger: It'll do.
Andy: IT'LL DO?!?
Roger: It's a little light. Not much body.
Andy: [tearing up] You really think so?
Roger: You didn't pay much for it, I hope.
Andy: WAAAA!
Roger: [holding up a beer can] Andy, it's just a beer, for crying out loud!

Roger: Peter, why haven't you taken out the trash as I asked?!
Peter: Ask Jason to do it.
Roger: Show some responsibility, son! I asked you, not him! Honestly.
Peter: OK, OK, I'll do it.
Andy: Thanks for taking out the trash as I asked.
Roger: You're welcome.

Peter: In honor of Father's Day, Dad, we've decided to all pitch in and relieve you of your normal Sunday workload. Paige here will handle your watching golf and baseball on TV... Jason will take over your newspaper reading and long bathroom breaks... and I will shoulder the tasks of snacking, napping and general puttering for the day. Now you're finally free to do all those things you've had to put off, like painting the garage or cleaning out your closet!
Roger: [to Andy] Have you noticed our kids developing a cruel sense of humor?
Andy: Peter, you forgot trimming the hedges!

Andy: AARGH! This is driving me nuts! Why can't I get the checkbook to balance?! Why?! Why?! Why?! Why?! Why?! Why?! Why?! Why?! Why?! Why?! [glares at Roger] ...she asked rhetorically.
Roger: Say, you never thanked me for paying all the bills last month.

[Using Andy's computer:] "What's it mean by "Hard Disk Destroyed"?"

Roger: [Blowing his nose] My nose has been stuffy all day. Do I have a cold or is it allergies?
iFruit: How the heck should I know?
Roger [To Andy] We spent how much on that virus detection software?

Paige: Mm-mmm! Nothing like an ice cold root BEER!
Peter: Yup. A root BEER sure hits the spot after school!
Paige: You know, I may even have two root BEERS, I'm so thirsty!
Jason: Say, are you two talking about root BEER?!
Peter: Why, yes, we are talking about root BEER!
Jason: What a coincidence! I was just thinking to myself how good this root BEER tastes!...
Roger: Remind me to never again tell the kids what I'm giving up for Lent.
Andy: I think it's cute.

Roger: [half-asleep] Coffeeeee...
Andy: The pot's over by the fridge.
Roger: Coffeeeee...
Andy: The fridge is over there.
Roger: Coffeeeee...
Andy: See that thing with the little red light?
Jason: "Morning of the Living Dead."
Andy: Roger, that's the answering machine!

Roger: [at a drive-thru] Hi. I'd like a Happy McMeal, a Junior McMeal and three Cheesy McMeals.
Order-taker: A Happy McMeal and two tacos. Anything else?
Roger: I didn't say tacos - I said a Happy McMeal, a Junior McMeal and three Cheesy McMeals.
Order-taker: What kind of dressing would you like on your salad?
Order-taker: We don't make seafood salads.
Roger: I could have sworn I deserved a break today.
Order-taker: Your total comes to $97.17. Please drive through.

Roger: Mmm-MMM! Andy, that was one great meal! You really outdid yourself this time. The steak was cooked just the way I like it, the vegetables were nice and crisp and I don't think I've ever tasted cherry pie this delicious. I mean, how do you find these restaurants?!
Andy: Ask me how I find your flattery...

[while day trading stocks online]: "These red numbers in parentheses mean I made money, right?"

Peter: Dad, can't we just order pizza?
Roger: [cooking at stove] Peter, your mother hasn't been gone two days. If I order pizza, it's like throwing in the towel. No sir. I'm cooking us real, stove-top dinners, even if it kills me. [Stove spontaneously bursts into flames, searing Roger].
Peter: Do you, like, rehearse this stuff, or what?
Roger: [holding up a wad of money] OK, OK - no anchovies, though...

Jason: [playing chess] Check.
Roger: Huh?
Jason: Check.
Roger: But you haven't even moved a piece yet!
Jason: Check.
Roger: Jason, that's not possible!
Jason: Let me clarify: my payment, please.
Roger: [writing check] You know, most kids play chess with their fathers for free.

Andy: Roger, that toupee is the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen!
Roger: Bond. James Bond.
Andy: You look fine the way you are! I love the way you look! All this does is make you look silly and insecure! Can't you see that?!
Roger: Here's looking at you, kid.
Andy: Roger, take it back to the store. Please? I'm begging you.
Roger: Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn. [Andy stuffs the toupee in his mouth.] Wha wa da fuh?

Roger: Paige, I hear you baked cookies today.
Paige: Yeah, but they didn't turn out very well.
Roger: That's OK. Mind if I help myself to a handful?
Paige: Are you sure? Nobody else wanted even one.
Roger: Heck, I'll take them all if no one else minds.
Paige: You're so sweet, daddy! I love you!
[Later, Roger has put Paige's cookies on his barbecue.]
Peter: I thought we were all out of charcoal briquettes.
Roger: Your mother directed me to a stash.

[Roger is grilling hamburgers on the barbecue; Andy looks and sees one is almost a hundred times larger than the others]
Andy: You let Peter help make those, I'm guessing.
Roger: (rolls his eyes) Four hamburger patties and one hamburger Patton.

Roger: [reading a bank statement] Grow, little I.R.A.... grow with leaps and bounds and mighty strides... fulfill your destiny... let me retire into a life of ease and comfort...
Andy: [rolling her eyes] It might help if our annual contribution was more than $50.
Roger: Grow at an average 600 percent rate of return...

Roger: It's more like this.
Peter: No, it's more like this.
Roger: Your knees are too high.
Peter: No way. Yours are way too low.
Andy: What on Earth are you doing?
Roger: Trying to decide who does the better Deion Sanders touchdown dance.
Peter: 1994-1995 edition.
Roger/Peter: [singing and dancing] PRIIIIME TIIIIME... PRIIIIME TIIIIME... PRIIIIME TIIIIME...
[Panel showing Jason and Paige standing at the open front door.]
Jason: Does Mom always burn rubber like that on her way to church?
Paige: Only once a year.

Roger: [reading a brokerage statement] Capital loss... capital loss... capital loss... [to Andy] Do politicians still complain about the capital gains tax?
Andy: Some of them do, I'm sure, out of nostalgia.

Roger: [with clasped hands] I love you. Madly. Passionately. With all my heart.
Andy: [behind him, rolling her eyes] And I'm sure Charles Barkley appreciates it.
Roger: [gesturing at the TV] I mean, talk about clutch free-throws!

[Roger is watching TV.]
Newscaster: In other news, the Department of Homeland Security today reduced the nation's threat alert level to an "all clear" Code Green. "It's Saint Patrick's Day. Green seemed appropriate," said a source. When asked if this might put citizens at risk, given the situation with Iraq and al Qaida, our source scoffed at the suggestion. "It's not like stores are going to stop selling duct tape."
Roger: [looking into his glass] Dear, this is just water, right?

Roger: [visibly disturbed, as is Andy] Wasn't there a time when we enjoyed watching television?

Andy: The faucet in our bedroom sink is leaking. I called the plumber.
Roger: Andy, have you gone nuts? Those guys charge $60 just to walk through the door! Let me take a crack at it first.
[He goes upstairs. A moment later, Andy hears the sound of a wrench turning, and then a loud snap.]
Roger: Whoops.
[He comes downstairs, holding a wrench and soaked from head to toe.]
Roger: (sheepish) Hey, at least now it's a legitimate $60 job.
Andy: (face-palming) About me going nuts...

Andy Fox

Roger: Why's Peter up on the roof?
Andy: He's practicing for "The Wall".
Roger: The what?
Andy: It's some event on "American Gladiators" where you have to scale a 25-foot cliff in under a minute. He has this fantasy that he's going to be a contestant on the show.
[There is a "WHAM!" from outside, and they both wince.]
Roger: You mean, had a fantasy.
Andy: I thought that, too, but he keeps getting up.

Andy: [After Jason annoys Paige at breakfast] "Jason, how do you get Froot Loops inside your pants?"

Andy: Did I tell you Stephanie had a baby girl?
Roger: I didn't know she was expecting.
Andy: [laughing] Helloooo! You saw her last week! Did you think her stomach just stuck out like that naturally?!
[awkward silence]
Andy: [face-palms] What'd you say to her?
Roger: [guiltily] I'd first like to point out that "Jenny Craig" is probably a very common name...

Andy: Hot Water... Lots of Bubbles... Scented Oils... Soothing Music... Ahhh, What more could a person ask for in a bath? [Quincy's head pops out of the bathwater] You know, Quincy, rhetorical questions don't have to be answered.

Andy: Jane Eyre is 150 years old. Sleeping Beauty is 300 years old. The Mona Lisa is 500 years old. The Venus De Milo is 2,100 years old. Mother Earth is 4.6 billion years old!
Jason: to Paige] Have you noticed how weird Mom gets around her birthday?
Andy: I'm barely over 40! A babe! A youngster!

Andy and Roger are watching a Caribbean sunset from their hotel room. It changes colors, getting progressively darker, until it is black
Roger: So our hotel room has a pay-per-view...
Andy: Next vacation, you let me read the brochure.

Roger: [After working tiredly on taxes for three days straight] Is it even possible to sign tax forms in a legally binding state of mind?
Andy: [looks at the form] Who is "Roglp Jox"?

Andy: Kids, in case you haven't noticed, it's spring. And what do people do in the spring?
Peter: Play baseball.
Paige: Go shopping.
Jason: Watch Simpsons reruns.
Andy: And?...
Peter: Hit home runs.
Paige: Buy cool stuff.
Jason: Watch 'em again on videotape.
Andy: They clean!
Peter: Whoa - I'm late for practice.
Paige: I told Nicole I'd meet her at Macy's.
Jason: Did I say The Simpsons? I meant Oprah.

Andy: Kids? What do you want for dinner tonight?
Peter/Paige/Jason: Take-out pizza!/Take-out Chinese!/Take-out Mexican!/Take-out barbecue!/Take-out sushi!/Take-out burgers!/Take-out chicken!
Andy: Let me rephrase that... what do you want me to make for dinner?
[Dead silence.]
Andy: ...Kids?
Roger: Look at it this way, Sweetie - a lot of cooks work their whole lives trying to earn a reputation.
Andy: Thank you, Mr. Pick-Me-Up.

Andy: You will not believe what just happened! I was driving home from the store, and turning the corner onto our street, when suddenly, from out of nowhere, this other car zooms into the intersection, runs the stop sign, and totally cuts me off! I mean, he missed hitting me by this much! [makes a pinching motion with her fingers] This much! I can't tell you how angry I am! AAAARRRGGHH!
Roger: Honey, you can't let some maniac driver get to you like this.
Andy: This wasn't just some maniac driver, dear.
Peter: [following Andy in] Mom, I can explain...

Peter Fox

Peter: You must be the new girl everyone's talking about.
Denise: Word travels fast.
Peter: So, do you have a boyfriend?
Denise: You must be the Peter Fox everyone's talking about.
Peter: [To himself] Some words travel too fast.

Peter: Well, goodbye "American Gladiators".
Andy: What's wrong?
Peter: I hurt my back.
Andy: Falling off the roof, I'll bet.
Peter: No.
Andy: Lifting all those weights?
Peter: No.
Andy: Trying to do 50 one-finger push-ups?
Peter: No.
Andy: Crawling up the stairs backward with a Nerf ball in your mouth?
Peter: Flexing in front of a mirror.
Andy: [wincing] Ouch.

Andy: [looking at Peter's report card] Peter, your grades have dropped in nearly every category!
Peter: It's a fluke. A glitch. Statistical happenstance.
Andy: Look at this! English, B-... Math, B...
Peter: A momentary downturn. Nothing to get alarmed about.
Andy: Physics, B... French, C+...
Peter: But it's over. It's come and gone. Things are A-OK now. Honest. Trust me.
Andy: American Government, A...
Peter: It's a new quarter. Rebound City. Gonna surprise everyone.

Andy: Peter, what do you want for lunch today?
Peter: Oh gosh, I dunno...peanut butter and jelly would be good...bologna and cheese would be good...turkey...tuna...ham...salami...that egg salad you sometimes make...
Andy: So any of those?
Peter: No, no - all of those.
Andy: Did I mention I saw our grocer test-driving a Porsche last week?
Peter: [pouring out the final crumbs of a box of cereal] You know, these "family-sized" boxes are grossly mislabeled.

Paige: [in car with Peter] Peter, you just ran a red light!
Peter: I did not. It was yellow.
Paige: It was red!
Peter: Paige, I'm telling you, it was yellow!
[A car screeches to a stop and honks its horn. Paige and Peter scream.]
Peter: OK, now that light was red.

[Throughout this Sunday strip, Peter keeps trying to go about the normal business of his school day, but Denise's name keeps popping up in everything he sees. For example, in reading Robert Frost's The Road Not Taken, he reads: "Two roads diverged in a wood, and I, I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the Denise." The school lunch menu reads: "Today's Entree: Denise with Tomato Sauce." And Peter's history test contains the question, "The Battle of Leningrad was fought in the winter of:" with choices: (A) "Denise," (B) "Denise," (C) "Denise," and (D) "Denise." At the end of the strip, we cut to Peter and Denise after school, cuddling under a tree.]
Peter: Denise, the next time you want us to sneak off and smooch after school, please don't tell me until after school.
Denise: So how'd your big history test go?

Peter: Rats. The fire went out. Paige, hand me that lighter fluid, will ya?
Paige: Peter, it says you're not supposed to squirt this onto hot coals.
Peter: Yeah, yeah. They just put that on there to protect themselves legally.
Paige: I think it's on there so you don't blow yourself up.
Peter: Look, Paige, I know what I'm doing! You're a girl. Girls don't know the first thing about lighting a barbeque!
Paige: Fine. Do whatever you want. See what I care.
Peter: [squirts on the grill, which promptly explodes in a sky-high pillar of flames] YAAAAA!
Paige: You never cease to amaze me.
Jason: MY KITE!

Andy: I'd like to know why a snowball just came crashing through one of our windows!
Peter: It was Jason's fault!
Jason: My fault?! It was his fault!
Andy: Since you can't seem to agree, I guess you both can clean up the mess and pay for a new window!
Peter and Jason: IT WAS PAIGE'S FAULT!

Teacher: OK, everyone, I've finished grading your tests. Mr. Fox...
Teacher: You're holding it upside down.
Peter: [sheepishly] Oh. Heh heh...
Teacher: People, this might be a good time to discuss the curve...

Teacher: OK, class, this weekend I want you to do Chapter One, problems 8-12, 15, 17, 19, 24, 25, 30-40 and 42. Peter, you have a question?
Peter: Couldn't you just e-mail us this, so we wouldn't have to bother writing it all down?...
Steve: [later] Well, he certainly simplified things for you, Mr. E-Mail.
Peter: How am I supposed to do every problem in the book?!

[after Peter burns himself up with the grill]
Roger: The script says I was supposed to do that.
Peter: Happy Father's Day, Dad.

[Lab explosion.]
Teacher: And to think I used to wonder if I was underpaid.
Peter: [sheepish] I take it we were not supposed to shake that vial that had the label that said "DO NOT SHAKE"?
Steve: Egad! My pants are dissolving!

Jason: I can eat this dinner in six bites.
Peter: I can eat this dinner in five bites.
Jason: Four bites.
Peter: Three bites.
Jason: Two bites.
Peter: One bite.
Jason: Eat that dinner.
Paige: (to Jason) I notice you always start with an even number.
Peter: Mpghltz!
Andy: Peter, must we go through this every night?!

[Peter is watching television.]
Announcer: Coming up next, it's the show that pits television producers against each other in furious competition! Watch as they each propose newer and ever more bizarre ways to pander to the viewing public's voyeuristic impulses! At stake are millions! Who will walk away with it?! Whose show will land a network deal?! Find out on Reality Series: The Reality Series.
Peter: You just knew it would come to this.

Peter: [with a baseball] This should break left... [pitches] This should break right... [pitches] This should...
Jason: [tied to a tree, with a bullseye taped to his chest] Okay, okay, maybe I did take a few photos of you and Denise last night.

[Peter's English class receives its next assigned reading, Joseph Conrad's "Heart of Darkness".]
Peter: [gasp] The horror! The horror!
Teacher: I'd give you credit for cleverness, Peter, if you didn't say that about every assignment.
Peter: Look how small the print is!

[Peter is working at a multiplex where Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace is showing in every single theater.]
Peter: That comes to $13.75.
Jedi Kid #1: (waving his hand) I believe a dollar will be sufficient.
Peter: What?
Jedi Kid #1: (waving his hand) A dollar will be sufficient.
Jedi Kid #2: (waving his hand) He said a dollar will be sufficient.
Peter: (face-palming) Guys, there's a really long line behind you.
Jedi Kid #1: Smart of them to hire people immune to Jedi mind tricks.
Jedi Kid #2: (waving his hand at the line) Someone will lend us $12.75...

Peter: Ah, summer vacation!
Paige: Ah, summer freedom!
Peter: Three months without any shackles!
Paige: Three months to do what we want!
Peter: The world is ours to explore!
Paige: The world is ours to take!
Peter: [picks up remote] Let's see what's on TV.
Paige: I was going to say.

Paige Fox

[Paige is terrified of being asked to the school dance by Morton Goldthwait.]
Paige: [phone rings] If that's Morton Goldthwait on the phone, I'm not home!
[Doorbell rings.]
Paige: If that's Morton Goldthwait at the door, I'm not home!
[Toilet flushes.]
Paige: If that's Morton Goldthwait in our bathroom, I'm not home!
Andy: [highly annoyed] Why don't you make it easy for us...
Paige: [creak] The attic!

Paige: [reading from Anthony and Cleopatra during an open audition for the play at school] "'My defecation does begin to make a better life. 'Tis paltry to be Caesar...' Oops - I mean 'desolation.'"
Director: This may be a good time to mention that we are also looking for stagehands...

Paige's Short Story: "Having slayed the dragon, having killed the wicked troll, there was only one task now remaining for Sir Galahunk. That was to ask the princess for her hand in marriage. Of course, they'd only just met, but Galahunk wanted commitment. Galahunk wanted monogamy. And Galahunk knew he'd never find a better catch."
Andy: Talk about your fairy tales...
Paige: That good, huh?

Paige: I know I sound like a broken CD, Mother, but I just wish I could have a spring break like they show on TV! I want to go someplace warm and wet, where people go crazy!
Jason: [in ninja costume] Bad news, Mom. My ninja star punctured the hot water heater.
Andy: Feel free to follow me into the basement, Paige.
Paige: I mean good crazy.

Paige: Mom, can you read my book report?
Andy: I'd be happy to, Paige.
Book Report: "Ernest Hemingway's A Farewell to Arms is about zgwqolm and epxmhjdkav. The central character is Dgejhgp and the main themes are yqmnezxprb and tthja nwvkjd."
Paige: [Handing Andy a pen] Feel free to fix any typos, by the way.
Andy: Nice try.

Andy: How's your French coming along?
Paige: Excuse me?
Andy: I asked how your French homework was coming along.
Paige: Excuse me?
Andy: Paige, don't you start this nonsense, also.
Paige: My freedom homework is coming along fine.

iFruit: Welcome, Paige_Fox88. You have 21,752 new messages. [lists messages] "Purchase Jasonsoft's Spam-Block Software!" "Purchase Jasonsoft's Spam-Block Software!" "Purchase Jasonsoft's Spam-Block Software!" ...
Paige: [to Jason, drawing her fist back to punch him] Allow me to hand-deliver my 21,752 replies.
Jason: E-mail's fine! Really!

Paige: Great. I'm sunburned. You know what that means, don't you?
Peter: You won't be able to sleep.
Paige: Worse.
Peter: Down the road, you're going to have wrinkly, leathery, prematurely aged skin.
Paige: Worse.
Peter: You've increased the likelihood of your developing skin cancer by 100 percent.
Paige: No, I'm gonna PEEL! Ick!...
Peter: No!...

Paige: They say you can tell the seasons by the constellations. But here we are about to go into a new school year, and I don't see anything suggesting that.
Peter: Imagine the big dipper filled with cafeteria glop.
Paige: Urpa Major. OK, that works.

[to the ice cream vendor, after she dashed out of her bedroom to meet him when she heard the tinkling of the vendor's vehicle's bell]: "Your name wouldn't by any chance be Pavlov, would it?"

Paige: [reading "Antony and Cleopatra"] "An argument that he is pluck'd, when hither he sends so poor a pinion of his wing, which had superfluous kings for messengers, not many moons gone by"?!?!?!? English literature my buns... This is Martian literature.
Jason: No, no - I'd recognize Martian.

Teacher: OK, Next?
Paige: [trying out for cheerleading] C'MON, TEAM, MAKE 'EM FUME AND FUSS...SEND 'EM HOME LOSERS IN THEIR LOSER PUS! - I mean bus.
Teacher: Next...

Paige: Nicole, check it out! We've got 2nd period Advanced English together!

Roger: Paige, can you grab my wallet from the counter? I need my credit card number.
Paige: It's 24050-1081-2243-01009. Expiration 06/02.
Roger: You know, for a girl who can't remember half her homework assignments...

Blizzerbund Software sent Paige a beta copy of their new game, after Jason logged on as her.]
Jason: What do you mean you won't let me watch you play?!
Paige: The instructions say not to show the Riviablo beta to anyone.
Jason: Paige, I don't think you understand! I've been waiting four years for this game to come out! The knowledge that it's running on our computer and I can't see it will kill me! I'll burst at the seams! I'll know pain like no human could possibly endure!
Jason: Or maybe the problem is that you do understand.
Paige: [closes and locks her door] Well put.

Jason: What's that?
Paige: It's a letter from the president of Blizzerbund Software.
Jason: No way! What's it say? What's it say?
Paige: "Dear Ms. Fox, thank you for your evaluation of our Riviablo CD-ROM beta. Per your suggestions, the final version of the game will have less violence, cuter monsters, and significantly easier puzzles. P.S. Thanks especially for the great idea to change the game's title to 'Happy Town.'"
Peter: I thought they sent you a form letter.
Paige: Oops. You're right. I must've misread it.
Andy: [off panel] Jason, will you stop bawling long enough to tell me what's wrong?!

Mrs. O'Dell: Katie misbehaved more than usual this morning. So I told her she can't watch any TV or videos while you were here [babysitting]. You know, as her punishment.
Katie: Blue's Clues! Blue's Clues! Blue's Clues! Blue's Clues! Blue's Clues! Blue's Clues! Blue's Clues! Blue's Clues! Blue's Clues! Blue's Clues! Blue's Clues! Blue's Clues! Blue's Clues! Blue's Clues! Blue's Clues! Blue's Clues! Blue's Clues!
Paige: Her punishment?

Paige: At least I got paid [to babysit]. Can you imagine having to deal with kids for free?
Andy: You're asking me this?
Paige: Shoot, we're out of aspirin. Who goes through this stuff so fast?

Mrs. O'Dell: Paige, you look a little tired. Are you sure you're up to babysitting?
Paige: [half asleep] Don't be silly, Mrs. O'Dell. I'm fine. Your pillow and I will have a great time together.
Mrs. O'Dell: Pillow?
Paige: I mean sofa. I mean bed. I mean daughter.

Paige:My first final exam is over! The math class from hell is finito! I won't be needing these notes anymore. Woo-hoo! [tears up pages in binder]
Peter: You studied Macbeth in math class?
Paige: AAAA! Wrong binder! Get some tape!

Paige: I can't believe how trashy this talk show is. It's nothing but sex, vulgarity, deviancy and fighting. It has not one redeeming value. No thoughtful good examples...nothing but pure, one hundred percent trash.
Andy: So why do you watch it?
Paige: I just told you.
Jason: Any idea why Mom is outside screaming?
Paige: [Cheering along with the audience on the talk show] HOOT! HOOT! HOOT!

Paige: Please can I go see Interview with the Vampire??
Andy: No.
Paige: Pleeease can I go see Interview with the Vampire??
Andy: No.
Paige: [bursting into tears] WAAAAAAAAAA! WHY NOT??
Andy: Because the movie is rated 'R'!
Paige: C'mon - I'm mature enough...
Andy: [holding up a tear-soaked paper] Jason, fetch me that sponge.

Jason: See, the Highlander is an immortal, which means he can't be killed.
Paige: Uh-huh.
Jason: ...Unless he gets his head chopped off, which is why they all carry swords under their coats.
Paige: And you actually watch this show?!
Jason: What? - It's cool!
Paige: Jason, that is the most ridiculous and unbelievable premise for a TV show that I've ever heard of! I can't believe you buy into this nonsense!
[Cut to Paige and Peter watching TV]
Paige: See, Billy and Allison were going to get married, but then Billy married Brooke and Allison married Brooke's dad.
Peter: Uh-huh.

Katie O'Dell: Pag!
Paige: Katie, did you just say my name?
Katie O'Dell: Pag!
Paige: You did! You said my name! Katie, sweetie, you're so cute! I can't believe you said my name! This is something I'll never forget!
Katie O'Dell: [Holding up a stuffed pig] Pag!
Paige: Not that I won't try to.

Peter: Paige is playing Nintendo???
Andy: I think she's talking to Jason.

[repeated line, when dreaming]: "Ooooo, Pierre..."

[Paige is doing her math homework.]
Math Textbook: "Farmer Bob wants to grow dates on 25 percent of his 118-acre farm." ... "Assuming that Train A heads west and Train B heads east, on what date will they..." ... "If archaeologist Jones wishes to carbon date one-seventh the number of fossilized dates that archaeologist Smith has dated to date..."
Paige: I swear, this math book was written by a sadist.
Andy: Another Saturday night of homework? Wow.

Paige: I'm ready for the dance. How do I look?
Andy: Beautiful!
Roger: Sensational!
Peter: Almost babe-like!
Jason: Hideous.
Paige: AAAA! DO I really??

Paige: I have to write this paper... I can't fall asleep... Must stay wake... Can't fall... Can't... fall... [begins to dream]
Frosty the Snowman: What? You were expecting Freddy Krueger?
Paige: Frosty! You're real!
Snoopy: You two go play - I'll finish this essay.

Paige: Oh, mother, I've just had the most wonderful dream! I was in the land of TV Christmas Specials! I met Frosty and Rudolph and Snoopy... It was so, so magical! I forgot all about that miserable English paper that's been ruining my mood!
Andy: You mean, the one you've barely started and that's due in 14 hours?
Paige: Um... You're a mean one, Mrs. Grinch.

Paige: Hey! My chocolate rabbit is hollow! There's nothing but air inside! It's defective!
Andy: I think they're supposed to be hollow, Paige.
Paige: SAYS YOU!!
Jason: Can I have the Hershey Syrup when you're done?

[baking Christmas cookies]: "I couldn't find the baking soda, so I used Diet Pepsi. Is that OK?"

[Paige has two chocolate bunnies]
Paige: Betty the chocolate rabbit, I'd like you to meet Ricky the chocolate rabbit.
Peter: Give it up, Paige. They aren't going to reproduce.
Paige: A girl can dream, can't she?

Paige: [singing while reading a magazine] Shop! In the name of loooove...
Peter: Stop, Paige! Stop! Stop, stop, stop, stop, stop!
Paige: [singing] Stop! In the name of loooove...
Peter: [covering his ears] No, stop singing!

Teacher: Greetings, class. Welcome to Freshman English. A number of you have inquired as to the sort of grading curve I will be employing with regard to test scores and essays. My answer is simple: "Never send to know for whom the bell curve tolls; it tolls for thee".
[Dead silence]
Teacher: You know, if you'd done the assigned reading, you'd think that was funny.
(Paige, along with the rest of the class, lets out a loud, fake laugh.)

Paige: What are you doing?
Jason: Trying to balance a spoon on the end of my nose.
Paige: What on earth for?!
Jason: No reason.
Paige: That has got to be the lamest, geekiest thing I have ever seen!
Jason: [succeeds] Ta-da!
Peter: What on earth for?!
Paige: [trying to balance a spoon on the end of her nose] No reason.

Jason Fox

Jason: (dressed as "Iguanoman") Could you please direct me to Earth?
Paige: This is Earth, you little geek!
Jason: Right. And I suppose you're going to tell me you're human.
Paige: Actually, I'm on the verge of going ape...

[Jason spends several long moments meticulously cleaning, calibrating, and finally loading his suction cup dart bazooka. He goes downstairs, takes aim at a napping Paige... then lowers it and goes into the kitchen.]
Jason: Happy Mother's Day, Mom.
Andy: Why, thank you, sweetie.

Jason: [Holding stocking] Wow! I can't believe dad got me a Beavis stocking!
Peter: [Holding stocking] I can't believe dad got me a Butthead one!
Peter and Jason: Hnnhuhhunnhuuhnnhunnmmhuuhnnhhnuhnmmm...
Paige: [covering her ears] They can't believe it?!!??!
Roger: The lady at the store said they were quite the rage.
Andy: Let me show you rage.

Roger: You're still awake?
Jason: Mom said I could read in bed.
Roger: Jason, it's practically midnight! Everyone else is asleep! Can't you do that earlier?
Jason: This is the only time Paige doesn't notice her diary is missing.

[Cut to Jason and Peter playing cards]
Jason: Why is it that when I tell on you, we both get in trouble?
Peter: Go figure. And go fish.

Jason: [trick-or-treating, wearing a mask shaped like a computer monitor] A fatal exception ØE has occurred.
Neighbor: AAAA!
Jason: The current application will be terminated.
Neighbor: AAAA!
Jason: Press any key to continue.
Neighbor: [emptying entire bowl of candy into Jason's trick-or-treat bag] Here! Take it all! Just go away! Please!
Marcus: [dressed as Spider-Man] I wish I'd thought of dressing as a Blue Screen of Death.
Jason: [looking at the candy in his bag] I feel like I should send Microsoft some of this.

Jason/Marcus: Trick-or-treat!
1st Neighbor: AAAA!
Jason/Marcus: Trick-or-treat!
2nd Neighbor: AAAA!
Jason/Marcus: Trick-or-treat!
3rd Neighbor: AAAA!
[walking down the street, they look at their costumes, consisting of T-shirts with I.R.S. Audit Team" on them.]
Marcus: I have to admit, I was skeptical when your dad first suggested these costumes.
Jason: I sure hope Old Man McCreery was just faking those chest pains...

Peter: This stupid fly is driving me crazy!
Jason: Wait! Don't kill it. I always try to catch flies alive if I can.
Peter: So you can let them go outside?
Jason: So I can let them go in Paige's room.

Jason's Voice on the Answering Machine: (CLICK) You've reached the Fox residence. Please leave your name and number at the beep. But first, a song: [starts singing] A million bottles of beer on the wall, a million bottles...
[Caller hangs up without leaving a message. Later on Andy and Roger return home]
Roger: No messages again! Are you sure this thing isn't broken?
Andy: Jason said it was working fine.

Andy: Whatcha doing?
Jason: Writing a letter to Santa Claus.
Andy: The big guy himself, eh?
Jason: I figure it's worth a shot. I mean, I'll acknowledge there's no proof he exists, but if he does, and I didn't write this, I'd be missing out on one heck of an opportunity.
Andy: So what's it say?
Jason: It's just a simple little note. Nothing you'd be interested in.
Andy: [reaching for letter] Oh, come on - let me see.
Jason: [holds note away from Andy] Uh...
Andy: [reading note] "Dear Fatso, I want no presents. Sincerely, Paige Fox."
Jason: Hey - I wanted to have a merry Christmas. What can I say?

Jason: Lard Butt.
Paige: Go away.
Jason: Zit Kisser.
Paige: Go away!
Jason: Maggot Breath.
Paige: GO AWAY!
Marcus: The rattlesnakes are OK, but what I really like is the expression on little PJ's face.
Jason: I had help on that one...

Jason types the nursery rhyme "Mary Had a Little Lamb" into the word processor as "Marry hat hey lid tell lam, ids fleas woes wide has know." He runs the spell checker, which finds no errors.
Jason: [To Peter] If you ever want to feel superior to a computer...

"Can you believe it? I'm going to go back to school [with a Garfield binder] and everyone's gonna think I'm some drippy nerd. Maybe if I wear my Wrath of Khan T-shirt..."

Jason: Hey Paige, check it out - I made a snowman that looks just like you!
Paige: And so conveniently in the middle of the street.
Jason: Oh, look - here comes a plow...

Jason: I had to paint [this model rocket] four times to get the exact shade of white the Apollos had. I didn't forget a single detail. [launches rocket]
Peter: Except maybe for the parachute.
Jason: AAAA!

Jason: [golfing]
Roger: Just yell "fore," son.

Jason: Hey, Paige, would you like me to fix you a P.B. and J. sandwich?
Paige: Define P.B. and J.
Jason: Peanut butter and jelly.
Paige: Just checking. Sure.
Jason: [To himself] Okay, so technically I left out a comma...
Paige: [Gagging] BLECCH! What's IN this?? Margarine??

Jason: Mom, can Marcus sleep over tonight?
Andy: It's OK with me if it's OK with your father.
Jason: Dad, can Marcus sleep over tonight?
Roger: It's OK with me if it's OK with your mother.
Jason: [On the phone, reading a massive book titled "Logic"] Marcus, are you still there?...

Jason: [playing football] Hutt one...hutt two...hutt three...point 141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592307816406286208998628
034825342117067982148086513282306647093844609550582231725359408128481117450284102701 idea was it to hike the ball on pi again?
Marcus: Yours. Now keep going.

Andy: Jason, please - I have to go start dinner.
Jason: This'll only take a second. Which do you think works better for Halloween - having these fake intestines spilling out of my stomach or dangling from my mouth?
Andy: I guess dinner can wait.
Jason: In that case, let me also ask you about these glue-on boils...

"All your base are belong to us!"

iFruit: Welcome to iFruit. Hug me.
Jason: Never.
iFruit: I should remind you that I have all your Doomathon III saved games on my hard disk and no floppy drive to make backups. It would be a shame if somehow some critical bits got flipped in the data....
Jason: Suddenly it's clear to me why you're made with bullet-proof plastics.

Peter: What are you looking at?
Jason: Wikipedia. It's this totally cool online encyclopedia that lets users update and edit its information. It's the greatest thing. Watch. Pretend you want to know about warthogs.
Peter: Is that a picture of our sister?
Jason: Now let's pretend you want to know about rabies...

Paige: I keep forgetting, what's the cosine of 60 degrees?
Jason: Well, let's see...if I recall correctly...


Paige: In case you've forgotten, I'm not paying you by the hour.
Jason: 1/2.

"I knew we should've gone with the ten-quart hats instead."

Roger: Who keeps drawing these antennae on Beetle Bailey?
Andy: Doubtless the same person who's been drawing shells on the kids in "Peanuts".
Peter: And laces on the bird in "Shoe".
Paige: And thorns all over "Rose is Rose".
Jason: [thinking] The Mad Literalist strikes again.

Jason's Voice on the Answering Machine: (BEEP) To leave a message for Jason, press "1." To leave a message for Peter, press "2." To leave a message for Paige, press "666."
Andy: I found the reason for our minister's weird phone message.
Roger: That fire and brimstone thing?

Jason: I set your E-Lynchity brokerage account up so you can trade on margin.
Roger: What's that mean?
Jason: It means you can buy stocks galore with borrowed money, and after the stocks shoot up, you pocket the profits. It's foolproof!
Roger: Unless the stocks go down, that is.
Jason: Stocks can go down?
Roger: (on the phone) Hello, E-Lynchity? Is there someone I could speak with who was born before the 90's?
Jason: I'm telling you, Dad, stocks don't go down.

[in response to his mom buying an iFruit computer] "iThink iWill bSick."

[Chatting with Sgt. Neelie (Eileen Jacobson) in an online World of Warquest game. Eileen doesn't know she's talking to Jason - or, at least, Jason thinks Eileen doesn't know.]
Jason: So tell me more about this Jason at your school.
Eileen: Gosh, where to begin... He's annoying... He's immature... He's as dweeby as can be... Why would you want to hear about such a painful little twit?
Jason: Er, just a masochist, I guess.
Eileen: Imagine Gollum with glasses...

[Jason and Marcus are watching a home video on the TV.]
Jason's Voice on Tape: If Roger Fox can sink this putt, he'll make his first par in six weeks. It's a simple two-footer. Uphill. No break. [tap] Oh, my. He's left it short. Let's zoom in and get a good look at that face...
Jason: And people think watching good golf is entertaining.
Marcus: Skip to the hole where he throws you and the camera in the lake.

Jason: Well, let's see what's in the ol' lunchbox today...a pack of Twinkies, a pack of Twinkies, and another pack of Twinkies. Mm-mmm.
Marcus: How'd you manage that?
Paige: [separate scene] Since when do I get two sandwiches and an apple?
Peter: Since when do I get two apples with my sandwich?

Paige: [eating sandwich at school] EWWWWW!
Andy: [separate scene, drinking tea with a friend] I'm not kidding-He wanted peanut butter and mayonnaise.
Jason: [eating lunch with Marcus] ...So then I switched bags...

Jason: Mom, what are you doing?!
Andy: Taking away this video game cartridge, for starters.
Jason: But you can't! I bought it with my Christmas money! It's mine!
Andy: Jason, I told you two weeks ago that I didn't want Mortal Karnage II coming into this house. You have no one to blame but yourself.
Jason: But...but...
Andy: You're too young for this sort of thing. I mean, look at what it teaches: that human disembowelment is entertainment...that "winners" decapitate their enemies...that carnage is spelled with a "K"...
Jason: I know carnage isn't spelled with a "K".
Andy: The sad part is, that's the least of my concerns.

[Unbeknownst to Paige, Jason, carrying a tape recorder, holds up a microphone to Paige as she talks on the phone.]
Paige: Mr. Vivona says we have to cut three newspaper articles out for Social Studies every day this week, and the only pair of scissors I have is like totally dull.
[Cut to Jason cutting, pasting and re-splicing bits of Paige's dialogue on the computer.]
Paige's Voice [as Jason plays back file]: "I cut Social Studies every day this week. Mr. Vivona is totally dull."
Jason: I wonder what little brothers did back in the days before computers.
Marcus: I think you should blackmail Paige, then play it for your mom anyway.

"It's unbelievable! The Cartoon Network is running live-action sitcoms now! They're the Cartoon Network! They're supposed to run cartoons! How can they get away with this?! It'd be like a news network running stuff besides news!"

Jason's Voice on Answering Machine: "Hello. You've reached the Fox residence. To leave a message, press the square root of 1,296 minus the cube root of 13,824 times 17.5 minus the 4th root of 1,908,029,761. Sorry. Time's up. Goodbye." [Click]
Roger: I've figured out what's the matter.
Andy: With the answering machine, or our son?

Jason: [playing a home version of Jeopardy] I'll take "Monster Monikers" for $100, Alex.
Marcus: "She-Beast. Leviathan. Hell-Demon."
Jason: Again, who is Paige?
Marcus: Correct. And you've run the category.
Peter: Um, speaking of running...
Paige: [shouting angrily as she reads from the dictionary] "Jeopardy: Exposure to or imminence of death, loss or injury..."

"Hello, FBI? I was wondering if you could send me some information about becoming an X-Files agent. You know, like in the TV show. The people who investigate things like UFOs and alien encounters and- Hello? Hello, are you there? They keep hanging up on me. Darned conspiracy of silence."

Jason: [wants to buy additional strings of Christmas lights to spell out this message to airplanes flying overheard from the roof:] "Have fun finding your luggage and making connections in this weather! Ha ha ha!" Right now I've only got enough for one "Ha."
Andy: You know how, occasionally, you read about an airplane dumping its fuel?

Andy: What time did you get home last night?
Jason: 12:18.
Andy: Isn't that later than we agreed?
Jason: Yes.
Andy: What were you doing?
Jason: Holding hands on the front porch with some boy for a half-hour.
Andy: Jason, I'm talking to you sister.
Paige: I wish you'd talk to him.
Jason: Ask her what she did to my camera...

Peter: How was your milk?
Jason: Fine. How was your milk?
Peter: Fine. Your's didn't taste a little, oh... salty?
Jason: No. Should it have?
Peter: Well, considering that I emptied half the saltshaker in it...
Jason: I switched glasses while you were in the kitchen.
Peter: I figured you would, so I put the salt in my glass.
Jason: I thought of that, so I switched 'em again.
Peter: I saw you. I switched 'em back.
Jason: I knew you saw me, so I only pretended to switch 'em.
Peter: Liar - you drank the salt!
Jason: No siree - my milk was lip-smacking good.
Andy: What are you two arguing about?!
Peter: We need to know which one of us should be throwing up right now.
Jason: Let's see... I switched 'em, then you switched 'em...
[Paige is choking on her milk]
Roger: Paige, what's wrong?

Jason: Marcus... World Eight... dungeon... Bowser... Princess... He did it! AAAAA!
Andy: ...Roger, check the date on that milk carton.
Jason: He called me "Goomba-Boy".

"AAAA! Quincy - you chewed up my sweater! BAD iguana! BAD, BAD, BAD iguana! BAD, BAD, BAD, BAD, BAD, BAD iguana! Wait a minute - this is Paige's sweater. Semi-bad iguana..."

Jason: Let's see... Is there anything our snow fort is missing? We've got a titanium shell... nuclear-tipped cruise missiles... an intruder-alert radar system... grenade launchers... a computerized command center...
Paige: [off panel] Try snow, you little geeks!
Jason: Sound-proof walls...
Marcus: Maybe some guard dogs?...

Jason: [dressed in green leprechaun's hat, holding a bubble pipe in one hand and a walking stick in the other] Top o' the mornin' to ya, Pappy!
Roger: It's good to see you in the St. Patrick's Day spirit, son.
Jason: I'm glad to hear you say that. Later I'll be donning a Notre Dame jersey and performing selected jigs from Riverdance while whistling the Irish Spring soap jingle, while tossing Lucky Charms cereal into the air after dyeing my entire body green, all out in front of the house so the whole neighborhood can watch. Unless you were to, say, lift Mom's ban on video games and glue me to the television...
Roger: I can see why so many people head for bars today.

Jason is suddenly up on the ceiling. He moves around and surprises everyone. Jason returns to reality, where he and Paige have untied balloons.
Jason: [high voice] This is all helium does to you? It makes your voice funny?
Paige: [high voice] Of course, what did you have in mind?

Jason: (preparing to throw a football) Go deep.
Marcus: How can free will coexist with divine pre-ordination?
Jason: (thinks a moment) Too deep.
Marcus: If Batman died, would the Joker be happy?

Roger: Son, how do I program the VCR to record something later?
Jason: Well, let's see... you start by pressing several of the buttons on the front at random... then you toggle the power switch on and off for about a minute... then you take a blank tape and put it in upside down... then you pick up the remote control and just kind of stare at it for a while.
Roger: (rolling his eyes) Correction: how should I program the VCR to record something later?
Jason: Can I at least do the part where you get down on your knees and pray?

Paige: Is there a way to make emojis look different on other people's phones?
Jason: What do you mean?
Paige: There's this boy at school that I like, but I'm worried that if I send him a text message full of kissy-face and heart emojis, it'll scare him off. It'd be great if there were some way to have all my hearts and kissy-faces change into something tamer, like plain smileys, when they get to his phone.
Jason: If you want him to see plain smileys, why not just text him plain smileys?
Paige: (throwing her arms up in exasperation) Because he's cute and I want to text him hearts and kissy-faces! Duh!
Jason: (face-palming) Be honest: when hormones hit, my brain's gonna turn to mush, isn't it?
Roger: (grimacing) I wish I had good news for you, son...

[Jason is piloting a motorized AT-AT model across a snow-covered yard.]
Jason: Begin your assault, General Veers. / Yes, Lord Vader. /Distance to the power generator? / One-seven decimal two-eight. / Target! Maximum firepower!
[He imitates the sound of a laser firing... before his model is demolished by a...]
Jason: The Rebels on Hoth did not throw snowballs!
Marcus: [standing behind a snow replica of the power generator] Obviously, they should have.

Denise Russo

Denise: So, are you gonna help me find my class, or what?
Peter: Oh. Sure.
Denise: Algebra II. Room 202. It works best if you put your arm around me.
[Peter walks Denise to her class with his arm around her.]
Denise: [to herself] Works every time.

Eileen Jacobson

Eileen: Look at that Mandy Berwick. She thinks she's so cool, so pretty, so popular. [calls out] Zero matches on Google, Mandy! Zero!
Jason: You tell her, Eileen.

The iFruit

"Welcome to iFruit. Hug me."

iFruit: Salutations! You've got missives!
Jason: What?
iFruit: Epistles! Billets! Post! ... Mail.
Jason: I knew it'd be a mistake putting a thesaurus on your hard drive.
iFruit: Ready to bodyboard the World Wide Reticulation?

iFruit: Spam Spam Spam Spam Spam Spam Spam Spam...Lovely Spam...Wonderful Spam...
Peter: A "Monty Python" e-mail client?
Jason: You knew it was just a matter of time.
iFruit: Spa-a-a-a-a-a-a-am...Spa-a-a-a-a-a-a-am...

iFruit: This audio CD is unplayable.
Peter: But I just bought it.
iFruit: I'm sorry. I can't play this.
Peter: Don't tell me this is one of those stupid new "copy-protected" CDs that won't work in a computer! Curse you, record labels! Curse you straight to Hades!
iFruit: No, no - I just draw the line at playing Vanilla Ice.
Peter: But he's "V-Ice" now...

iFruit: You've got mail!
Andy: Oh, joy.
iFruit: Hold on. Neither Net congestion nor dropped packets nor router failure nor infected attachments stays this courier from the swift completion of his appointed rounds, and all I get is "Oh, joy"?! Whatever happened to "Thank you"?! ... Or did you not want these 7,526 messages from the XXX-Hot Psychic Mortgage Corporation?
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