James O'Brien (broadcaster)

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James O'Brien

James Edward O'Brien (born 1972) is a British presenter, podcaster and author, who has presented for talk radio station LBC since 2004.




  • I want to read you something from Amber Rudd's speech yesterday. "For the state must draw a sharp line of distinction between those who, as members of the nation, are the foundation and support of its existence and greatness, and those who are domiciled in the state, simply as earners of their livelihood there." .... No, that wasn't from Amber Rudd's speech yesterday, I'm really sorry, that's from Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler.
  • What is the law? You know you were going to take short-term economic damage ... Every single customer in the country is going to be potentially worse off than they were before the vote. So I'm just wondering what those laws are that you won't have to obey any more that made you vote for this short-term economic hit. Can you name one?


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