Marion Edwards Park

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Marion Edwards Park (1875-1960) was an American academic administrator who was the third president of Bryn Mawr College.


  • Within its narrow classrooms the college must see to it that she [the student] is taught with breadth of view, and not only in so-called safe subjects, but in so-called dangerous subjects, in economics and history and psychology and religion; taught with sincerity which will call out sincerity in her; with imagination which will create for her a true and breathing picture of the world she is to meet; and with liberty of spirit which will make her all through her life demand ceaselessly for herself and others the same quickening air.
    • Marion Edwards Park, 1922, Marion Edwards Park. Bryn Mawr College. Bryn Mawr College. Retrieved on 25 April 2013.
  • The college must educate for a changing world ... about which we know only that it will be different from anything of which we have now had experience.
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