Shelley Zalis

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Shelley Zalis (born in 1962 and raised in Los Angeles) is an American entrepreneur and gender equity advocate. She is the founder and chief executive officer of The Female Quotient, a Los Angeles-based company that advocates for gender equality in the workplace, and #SeeHer, a global movement to eliminate gender bias in media and advertising.


  • The role of leadership is evolving. What was once about objective strategic planning and organizational operations has transformed into a more subjective role – one that requires greater humanity and emotional intelligence. Traditionally feminine leadership qualities – empathy, vulnerability, gratitude – are more important now than ever. Leaders need to be able to connect with their team members on a human level in order to build trust and create a supportive environment where everyone can thrive. Let’s shift the paradigm. These aren’t “soft” skills – they’re essential skills. If we want to create warm, welcoming workplaces, we should be prioritizing these skills by making them requirements and including them as part of profiles, job descriptions, and evaluations. 
  • Create a culture of belonging
  • Soft’ skills are the new essential skills
  • Embrace proximity-ship
  • Leadership is not about being in charge. It’s about taking care of those in your charge. Investing in people is the foundation for great transformation. People are our most valuable assets, yet we often don’t value them until they’re gone. Instead of holding exit interviews, which are purely reactionary, we should conduct “stay interviews” or “purpose interviews” as a proactive way to understand what our employees need. It’s important that employees feel as though someone inside the organization cares about them, routinely engages with them, and has their back. Direct managers are uniquely positioned to fulfill this role – but we must equip them with the proper training, strategies, and tools to keep their best talent engaged. People can and will leave when they feel excluded.
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