Stephen Samuel Wise

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Stephen Samuel Wise (March 17, 1874April 19, 1949) was an early 20th-century American Reform rabbi and Zionist leader in the Progressive Era. Born in Budapest, he was an infant when his family immigrated to New York. He followed his father and grandfather in becoming a rabbi, serving in New York and in Portland, Oregon.


  • Some call it Marxism; I call it Judaism!
    • In an address from the Free Synagogue, New York. As quoted in Common Sense, No. 485 (December 15, 1966)
  • With the rise of the Soviet Regime Jews have been granted rights not accorded even in the most advanced countries. The state, which previously did not employ any Jews, now employs in White Russia 61 per cent Jewish officials. A Jew is commander of the Ukrainian Army; a Jew is President of the State Bank; Jews occupy almost all important ambassadorial positions; universities, professions, judiciary and administration, now have a greater percentage than any other nationality. Anti-Semitism has been declared a state offense, and is punished as counter-revolution.
    • In Jewish Opinion, December, 1933. As quoted in Common Sense, No. 485 (December 15, 1966)
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