Talk:Judy Garland

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Wikiquote no longer allows unsourced quotations, and they are in process of being removed from our pages (see Wikiquote:Limits on quotations); but if you can provide a reliable and precise source for any quote on this list please move it to Judy Garland.

  • Be a first rate version of yourself, not a second rate version of someone else.
    • To her daughter, Liza Minelli. Variant: Always be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of a second-rate version of somebody else.
  • Behind every gray cloud is another gray cloud.
  • For it was not into my ear you whispered, but into my heart. It was not my lips you kissed, but my soul.
    • Correct quote is: "For 'twas not into my ear you whispered but into my heart./'Twas not my lips you kissed, but my soul"
    • Source is: the poem "My Love Is Lost", from Garland's privately published book of poetry, also titled "My Love Is Lost".
  • How strange when an illusion dies. It's as though you've lost a child.
  • I can live without money, but I cannot live without love.
  • I think there's something peculiar about me that I haven't died. It doesn't make sense but I refuse to die.
  • I try to bring the audience's own drama — tears and laughter they know about — to them.
  • I'm the original take-orders girl.
  • If I'm such a legend, then why am I so lonely? Let me tell you, legends are all very well if you've got somebody around who loves you.
  • If you have to be in a soap opera try not to get the worst role.
  • In the silence of night I have often wished for just a few words of love from one man, rather than the applause of thousands of people.
  • It was not into my ear you whispered, but into my heart. It was not my lips you kissed, but my soul.
  • It's lonely and cold on the top... lonely and cold.
  • My life, my career has been like a roller coaster. I've either been an enormous success or just a down-and-out failure.
  • There have been times when I have deliberately tried to take my life... I think I must have been crying for some attention.
  • We cast away priceless time in dreams, born of imagination, fed upon illusion, and put to death by reality.
  • You shouldn't be told you're completely irresponsible and be left alone with too much medication. It's too easy to forget. You take a couple of sleeping pills and you wake up in twenty minutes and forget you've taken them. So you take a couple more, and the next thing you know you've taken too many.
  • She was the real Wicked Witch of the West.
    • On her stage mother, Ethel Gumm.
  • I knew she wanted to go into show business as an embryo, she kicked so much.
    • On her daughter, Liza Minnelli.
  • Well, we have a whole new year ahead of us. And wouldn`t it be wonderful if we could all be a little more gentle with each other, and a little more loving, have a little more empathy, and maybe - next year at this time - we'd like each other a little more.
    • Sourced version being placed on the page: Wouldn`t it be wonderful if we could all be a little more gentle with each other, and a little more loving, have a little more empathy, and maybe we'd like each other a little bit more.

Quotes about Judy Garland (unsourced)

  • She was the greatest performer. No one has been her equal.
  • I thought she was the most adorable thing ever put on the face of the planet.
  • Worried in the wings, but stupendous on stage.
    • Harry Hammond, photographer