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The Tarikh-i-Kashmir (History of Kashmir) refers to several history books of Kashmir's Sultanate period, some of them lost and partially used as sources for the others.



Haidar Malik's Tarikh-i-Kashmir

Haidar Malik's Tarikh-i-Kashmir, identified as Tarikh-i-Haidar Mali
  • During the reign of Sultan Sikandar, Mir Sayyid Muhammad, son of Mir Sayyid Hamadani came here, and removed the rust of ignorance and infidelity and the evils, by his preaching and guidance. He wrote an epistle for Sultan Sikandar on tasawwuf Sultan Sikandar became his follower. He prohibited all types of frugal games. Nobody dared commit acts which were prohibited by the Shariat The Sultan was constantly busy in annihilating the infidels and destroyed most of the temples.
    • Tarikh-Kashmir, edited and translated into English by Razia Bano, Delhi, 1991, p. 55.
  • “Malik Musa ascended the throne in AH 907 (AD 1501). During his reign, he devoted himself to the obliteration of the infidels and busied himself with the spread of the religion of the prophet. He made desolate most of the temples where the infidels had practised idolatry. Wherever there was a temple, he destroyed it and built a mosque in its place… None of the Sultans of Kashmir after Sultan Sikandar… ever made such an effort for the spread of the Islamic faith as did Malik Musa Chadurah, and for this auspicious reason he received the title of the ‘Idol Breaker’.”296
    • About Malik Musa of Kashmir, Tarikh-Kashmir, edited and translated into English by Razia Bano, Delhi, 1991, p. 61.
  • “…Baba Ûchah Ganai went for circumambulation of the two harms (Mecca and Medina)… in search of the perfect guide (Pir-i-Kamil). He prayed to God (to help) him when he heard a voice from the unknown that the ‘perfect guide’ was in Kashmir himself… Hazrat Shaikh, Baba Ûchah Ganai… returned to Kashmir… All of a sudden his eyes fell upon a place of worship, the temples of the Hindus. He smiled; when the devotees asked the cause of (his smile) he replied that the destruction and demolition of these places of worship and the destruction of the idols will take place at the hand of the high horn Shaikh Shams-ud-Din Irraqi. He will soon be coming from Iraq and shall turn the temples completely desolate, and most of the misled people will accept the path of guidance and Islam… So as was ordained Shaikh Shams-ud-Din reached Kashmir. He began destroying the places of worship and the temples of the Hindus and made an effort to achieve the objectives.”297
    • About Sufi Mir Shamsu’d-Din Iraqi in Kashmir , Tarikh-Kashmir, edited and translated into English by Razia Bano, Delhi, 1991, p. 102-3
  • Tarikh-i-Kashmir, a historical account of Kashmir written by Haidar Malik Chadurah, who served in Sultan Yusuf Shah’s Court (1579–86), records: ‘Sheikh Shams-ud-Din reached Kashmir. He began destroying the places of worship and the temples of the Hindus and made an effort to achieve the objectives.’
    • Chadurah HM (1991) Tarikh-Kashmir, ed. & trans. Razia Bano, Delhi, p. 102–03 quoted in Khan, M. A. (2011). Islamic Jihad: A legacy of forced conversion, imperialism and slavery.
  • Sultan Sikandar (r. 1389–1413) ‘was constantly busy in annihilating the infidels and destroyed most of the temples…,’ records Haidar Malik Chadurah.
    • quoted in M.A. Khan , Islamic Jihad: A legacy of forced conversion, imperialism and slavery (2011), quoting Chadurah HM (1991) Tarikh-i-Kashmir, ed. & trans. Razia Bano, New Delhi,
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