Betsy's Wedding

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Betsy's Wedding is a 1990 American comedy film about a financially-strapped man trying to throw a wedding for one of his daughters and must deal with all manner of advice from friends and family. The plot was inspired by the marriage of Alda's youngest daughter.

Directed and written by Alan Alda.
The wedding picture doesn't always tell the whole story. (taglines)

Connie Hopper

  • [to Stevie Dee] I'm a cop, and you're... not.

Gloria Henner

  • [romantically] Oh, Oscar... go fuck yourself!

Stevie Dee

  • I could be whatever you need. I could do anything for the woman I love. I believe in saying what you feel. You are the blood in my veins, I would walk through fire for you. I will always be available, I belong to you.


  • I'm gonna give you a little advice about life. You follow this and you won't be sorry. "Don't screw with your brains, don't think with your dick." That's from the heart.

Oscar Henner

  • You pushed me through the tent? Through the tent you pushed me?


Oscar Henner: How could you do that to your husband? I'm your family!
Gloria Henner: Oh, you're quite the family man. You were cheating on your wife. You're cheating on your brother-in-law. You're probably cheating on this poor secretary underpaid and overscrewed.
Oscar Henner: I don't wanna hear this. This is ridiculous. I don't have to sit around and listen to that kind of talk.
Gloria Henner: You're a rat, Oscar. You don't belong in a family, you belong in a pack!


  • The wedding picture doesn't always tell the whole story.


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