Christianity and other religions

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Christianity and other religions documents Christianity's relationship with other world religions, and the differences and similarities.


  • Evidence about the antiquity of some of the other religions, particulary the Egyptian, Chinese and Hindu, presented problems for Christian apologists. Critics of Christian belief use this evidence in two ways. Some employ it to challenge the truth of the Biblical materials. Sir William Jones might confess that since he is ‘attached to no system’, he can accept or reject ‘the Mosaick history’ according to the evidence. Those who, as believers, see themselves as fundamentally committed to some understanding of Christianity tend to assume that Christian faith involves assent to what the Bible records. They regard it as necessary, therefore, to uphold the Biblical story whatever the apparent evidence from other religions;75 otherwise, as Voltaire points out, those who maintain that ‘God dictated’ the Bible will have to admit that ‘God evidently is not an expert in chronology’.”*
    • Attitudes to Other Religions: Comparative Religion in Seventeenth- and Eighteenth-century Britain 1984 : David Arthur Pailin.56
  • During the fourth and fifth centuries, neoplatonism and along with it, at several removes, the most valuable elements of Hindu religion, entered Christianity and became incorporated, as one of a number of oddly heterogeneous elements, into its scheme of thought and devotion.
    • Huxley, Aldous - Grey Eminence