Danny Yamashiro

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Danny Yamashiro

Daniel "Danny" Yamashiro (born December 5, 1967) is an author, evangelist, and radio talk show host. He survived a 400 foot fall at the age of 18.


  • When you're all out, you're all in.
    • From Winner's Edge, page 50
  • Financial hardship has a way of keeping people sober. The challenge I see at such times is simple: Will we face reality or deny it? In the past I have done both. But when it comes down to really doing something about a problem, I'm learning that it's prudent to address it head on with those who are closest to you and work at it together.
    • From Paradise Calls, pages 80
  • Yes, the moment of conversion is absolutely critical, but the process of evangelism cannot be isolated to one event.
    • From Successful Evangelism, page 39
  • Understand and accept that you will have to make sacrifices to achieve your goal. If you are willing to pay the price, however high, you may be surprised what you get in exchange. Pay the price.
    • From Discover the Champion in You, pages 7
  • What tiny push is needed for you to advance someone near you? Remember, by doing so, you make personal progress yourself.
    • From Discover the Champion in You, pages 48
  • Focus not only on identifying problems. Others will do that for you. Develop the skill of finding solutions to those problems. Do this and your stock will go up!
    • From Discover the Champion in You, pages 70
  • Let us be courageous in the face of life's disappointments - all the while knowing we are a step closer toward our goal as we grow in determination.
    • From Building Blocks for Better Living, pages 65
  • Our world is saturated with religious systems and philosophical teachings. It is comparable to a "food court" which is now popular among shopping malls throughout the world. We can choose a favorite dish which suits our appetite. It is popular to think that we can do the same with religion.
    • From Know Your Future Today, pages 37
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