Deck the Halls

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Deck the Halls is a 2006 family-comedy film set during the Christmas season in Massachusetts in which two neighbors have it out after one of them decorates his house for the holidays so brightly that it can be seen from space.

Directed by John Whitesell. Written by Matt Corman, Chris Ord, and Don Rhymer.
There glows the neighborhood.

Steve Finch

  • Who moves in the middle of the night? A meth lab?

Buddy Hall

  • I want my house to be seen from space!

Tia Hall

  • This is the most clothes they have worn in years!
  • [about her daughters] I pray every day for the strength to not run them over with the truck.
  • Honey, the girls are having a great time showing everybody the lights. I pray to God that's the only thing they're showing.


Ted: Buddy! Hey, you ready to sell some cars?
Buddy: Me? I'm a born cars salesman. But, I was thinking today, maybe I would just ease into it and get a feeling for the place.

Mrs. Ryor: [receiving an eye exam from Dr. Finch] I don't need glasses!
Steve: You need binoculars, but we're settling for glasses.

Bob Murray: Alright, listen up you guys, we just got in a new shipment of Aspens, and I want you to sell three for me by lunchtime.
Ted: What are you kidding?

Tia: I used to do a bit of modeling, mainly for college classes... that's how I met Buddy.
Kelly: Oh, was he a professor?
Tia: No, he was the one they caught peeping in the windows.

Reporter: Now the folks at MyEarth have been monitoring the situation. Guys, thanks so much for spending your Holiday plans with us.
Amit Sayid: Oh no, it's no trouble at all. Actually, it's funny, Basil's mom just stopped by with a basket of biscuits so we're all just having a laugh.

Kelly: What is your favorite Christmas memory?
Steve: You know what it is.
Kelly: Tell me.
Steve: I was 7, my dad and I moved to Alabama... and Christmas morning, we ate on the floor, ate French fries and drank chocolate milk.
Kelly: That's what Christmas memories are made from, they're not planned, they're not scheduled, nobody puts them in their Blackberry, they just happen.


  • There glows the neighborhood
  • The battle of the bulbs begins November 22.
  • This Christmas when the lights go on . . . the gloves come off
  • The brightest holiday comedy of the year! (DVD)


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