Flight of the Navigator

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Flight of the Navigator is a 1986 Disney live action film about a 12-year-old boy who is abducted by an alien spaceship and transported from 1978 to 1986.

Directed by Randal Kleiser. Written by Mark H. Baker.
Come along on the greatest adventure of the summer!

David Freeman

  • My friends are never gonna believe this! [somberly] Oh right, my friends are all 20 years old, and I'm still 12.


  • I do not leak, you leak, remember?
  • [last lines] See you later, Navigator!

Jeff Freeman

  • This is totally rad, I mean, you're my big little brother!


Carolyn: All right, listen, um, I gotta go, um, is there anything else you want when I come back?
David: How about a Big Mac, large fries and a Coke? They're still around, I hope.
Carolyn: Well, now, that all depends, Do you want New Coke, Classic Coke, Cherry Coke, Diet Coke or caffeine-free Coke?
David: Huh?
Carolyn: Nothing, Forget it.

Max: I crashed into electrical towers and my star charts were erased. I need the ones in your head to complete my mission.
David: So you need ME and my INFERIOR brain to fly that thing?
Max: Correction, I need the SUPERIOR information in your INFERIOR brain to fly this... thing.

[David steps off the ship to urinate]
Max: What are you doing?
David: Can't I have a little privacy?
Max: Do not know privacy.

Max: I told you, I blew a fuse when I totaled that electrical tower. I was checking out some daisies.
David: You crashed while looking at FLOWERS?

David: [trying to find his family's new home] Just give me a signal that I can see from the air. Don't let the NASA guys know I'm coming. And remember, it's gonna be dark soon.
Jeff: All right, if I have to set fire to the house, you'll find it.

David: If I stay, those scientists will treat me like a guinea pig for the rest of my life.
Max: If you go back in time with me, you could be vaporized.
David: I have to take that chance.
Max: It's very risky, are you sure, David?
David: Yes. Let's do it.
Max: All right, if that's your decision. [Max prepares the ship]
David: Max? Will I ever see you again?
Max: [sadly] I don't know. We must start the journey. Hold on tight, Davey.
David: I'm gonna miss you.
Max: I'm gonna miss you too. Thanks.
David: No big deal. Really. Come on, let's get out of here.
Max: Compliance... Navigator.
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