Frigid Hare

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Frigid Hare is a Merrie Melodies short, released on October 8, 1949. It is directed by Chuck Jones and written by Michael Maltese. The title can be seen as a simple play on "frigid air" and/or on the refrigerator brand called "Frigidaire".


Bugs Bunny: [first lines] Miami Beach at last! Last one in is a rotten egg! Make way! Yahoo! [splashes into the water causing the splash to turn frozen] Owwwww! [turns blue and shivers] Jumping ice cubes! It’s freezin'! Brrrr! Wait a minute, this don't look like Miami Beach to me. Hmm...this looks more like California. Now, let's see, [checks the map] uh...hmm. South Pole? Oh, I get it. I shoulda turned left at Albuquerque! [the penguin knocks Bugs over] Hey, watch it, you little runt! What's the hurry? Where's the fi... [an Inuit hunter knocks him over] Hey, you big palooka! Watch were you're going!
Inuit hunter: [returns] Huh?
Bugs Bunny: Eh, what's up, Doc?
Inuit hunter: Um grola gooch ump.
Bugs Bunny: Huh? Oh, the little guy. He went that way, Nanook. [points the opposite way; hunter exits] A lot of traffic along here. Let's see now, where was I...

[Last lines; Bugs hits the Inuit hunter with a fish. Bugs takes off the suit and flees. the Inuit hunter chases him. They slide down a hill and ice a cliff. The camera goes through Bugs’ legs, he jumps over a cliff, and the Inuit hunter jumps next, and chases Bugs to where the giant hole is. Bugs spreads his legs at the start of the giant hole, zooms on, which the Inuit hunter is behind him. The Inuit hunter is not shown, Another hole is smaller than the big one. Bugs' legs start to twist. Bugs is getting mad and more holes pop up. Bugs keeps twisting his legs until he twists it to his feet. Bugs untwists his legs and gets squashed by the Inuit hunter]
Bugs Bunny: Shall we dance? [pause] Get off of me, you big baboon! [the ice cracks] I said get off!
[The ice cracks again]
Inuit hunter: Uh-oh.
[The ice continues to crack]
Bugs Bunny: Stop Breathing so hard!
[The ice cracks one more time, causing the duo to slide; the Inuit hunter starts to sneeze, but Bugs covers the Inuit hunter's nose]
Inuit hunter: Ahhhhh...
Bugs Bunny: ACHOO! [the ice cracks completely, but gets ready to fall. Playboy Penguin arrives, and the ice falls. He runs to get a bucket of water, which stops the cracked ice from falling] [laughs] What a dope! What an Eskimo Pie-Head! [the Inuit hunter lets go of the ice, causing him to fall into the water on a whale] [to the penguin] Oh, you again! Well, scram! You've already ruined my vacation! Why, I ought to bang you one on your little kisser. [Playboy Penguin starts crying, his tears turn into ice cubes] Oh, all right, all right! Turn off the ice factory. There, that's better. I'm sorry, but what am I gonna do with only four days vacation left? Huh? Well, now what? [Playboy Penguin whispers something into his ear] What? You mean the days are six months long up here? Wow! If I stay up here, I won't have to be back to work 'till July, 1953. [puts on top hat and tails] I always wanted a nice, long formal vacation. Let's go, kid!
[They both walk off as the cartoon ends]

Voice cast

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