Georg Gänswein

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Georg Gänswein in 2017

Georg Gänswein (30 July 1956–) is a German prelate of the Catholic Church, who has been Archbishop of Urbs Salvia since 2012 and is a professor of canon law at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross. He is Prefect of the Papal household, and personal secretary to Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI.


  • You have to differentiate between the papacy as an institution and the person of the incumbent. It certainly was a revolutionary step… And it’s only now that we see the importance and huge opportunities that have been opened up by this step. As I have said before, it was not easy for me personally, but the question is not whether it’s easy but rather that I have to accept and come to terms with this decision. And in this respect also I’m at peace with myself.