Harry Knowles

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Knowles in 2010

Harry Knowles (born December 11, 1971) is an American film critic and writer known for his website Ain't It Cool News. Knowles was a member of the Austin Film Critics Association until he was removed in September 2017 "by a substantial majority vote" of the organization following allegations of sexual assault.


The bottom line is: As long as you have clout, there is no fallout.
  • The bottom line is: As long as you have clout, there is no fallout.
MMMm you’re [sic] fingers are wet… enjoy!
  • A warning: BLADE 2 is an R-rated movie. This is the NC-17 Review of it. You have been warned.
  • For me to review BLADE 2, it is a major conflict of interest, because Guillermo Del Toro and I are brothers. His father says so. His wife believes this. Guillermo and I are just the best of friends, but when El Gordo calls my father Dad, and I call his Dad "Pops" and we delve into hours of passionate discussion about H.P. Lovecraft, Goya, Steve Ditko action, the movies and pussy… We can lose all track of time on planet Earth.
  • BLADE 2 is the tongue, mouth, fingers and lips of a lover. The Audience is the clit. Watch your audience. This is where Guillermo Del Toro goes down on the audience. It starts with long licks with a nose bump on the joy button slowly. He smiles as he does this… Watching the audience begin to squirm, then he takes the audiences’ clit in his mouth and just licks it like crazy, the audience is ready, on that precipice, then calm. He backs off… long licks again, brings in a finger to massage a bit, licks from the bottom to the top… The audience is cooing… He has them, they want release. He acts like he’s going to give it to you, takes you right to the edge, the audiences’ backs arched, ready to cum…. Backs off pinching the nipples just so, his head bobbing up to say, "You like?" The audience shifts around needing release, he builds again… The pressure at a near boiling point… Each stroke and moment a hypersensitive place… Two fingers to the sweet spot, the audience is there… right there at that point… suddenly he’s relentless taking the audience through a rampage of orgasms… trying to get away, trying to escape… back back back, but he has you, and he’s never going to let you forget this moment, the audience was electric… Frenetically frothing… Guillermo hears them begging no more, when he decides to stop for a moment, there is that relaxed calm… The audience relaxes… labored breathing… a sated smile, WHEN SUDDENLY THE RELENTLESS BASTARD IS AT IT AGAIN!!!! [sic] You begin laughing, trying to push him away, but no… more pleasure, more joy, more fun… You can’t handle it, you start giggling and screaming… And it goes like this for quite some time, till at the end… The credits roll, the theater lights come up… You look at the screen, you realize you want that tongue again… You want that feeling again, and you watch it again and again, because damn he respects the clit!
  • Ok, maybe I take the metaphor too far… maybe… But I had two girls around me, Patch black and blued my right forearm with slaps and rabbit punches as though Guillermo was pounding the short hairs, and Saffron (not Vegas’) gripping my shoulder from behind like frickin [sic] Spock, leaning up to my ear to say, "You didn’t tell me this was pornography!!!!" [sic] To which I grab her hand, sniffed her fingers and said, "MMMm you’re [sic] fingers are wet… enjoy!"
  • I've got a moral quandry about the show. Hayden Panettiere, born August 21, 1989, now 17 (legal in Texas, which is important, because her character is in Odessa, Texas) as the character, Claire Bennett. She's adorably cute, constantly in her cheerleader uniform. Ok - now never mind that she fulfills the underage cheerleading limber blond [sic] virginal demographic. That's pretty delicious. But they gave her the ability to regenerate and resuscitate from any and all injuries. This power has decided to manifest itself before she's lost her virginity. Which means - everytime she has sex, she's a virgin as her hymen will repair itself. Meaning that everytime she's fucked, its like she's being fucked for the very first time. OK - that's WAY WRONG. [sic]
  • It's my theory that do to the constant discomfort of virginal sex with men, her character will prefer the kind attention of her fellow sex. MEANING - [sic] she'll be a hot, underage, cheerleading lesbian... for life. ALSO - [sic] she could have sex with ANYONE. [sic] Any disease - unprotected and be perfectly ok. The people behind this show are sick. Either that or they have singlehandedly created the most deviantly awesome fanboy sex object in the history of SUPERHERO FICTION. [sic] And she's from Texas. Claire... you rule!

About Harry Knowles


Those who are able to grasp the possibilities quickly will flourish. Those who resist may become anachronisms faster than silent movie stars. Should anyone doubt this, they need look no farther than the far end of the hall, where a Falstaffian figure--living proof of the perils and opportunities of fast-changing Hollywood--holds court before a pair of star-struck filmmakers. Even in this pale-green fluorescent light, he casts an enormous shadow: nearly 6 feet tall and more than 300 pounds; a great frizzy mane of tomato-red hair cascading down the back of his pea-green windbreaker; an equally massive briar-patch beard dangling over his untucked blue denim shirt. And on his broad feet, a pair of leopard-skin loafers with Day-Glo green soles. He is Harry Knowles, proprietor of Ain't It Cool News, a movie Web site (www.aintitcool.com) that has shaken Hollywood's control-freak establishment by publishing industry gossip and unauthorized reviews of test screenings and screenplays for films that haven't been completed. In just four years, Knowles has rocketed into the zeitgeist as the Matt Drudge of online entertainment journalism--with all of the ethical baggage that parallel implies.

[Harry Knowles’s] Blade II review makes for a shocking read today, not merely for the lewdness of the prose, but the fact that the barely literate doofus horndog who wrote it was once a formidable presence in the world of online journalism. This was a man feared by studios, courted by such marquee filmmakers as del Toro, Quentin Tarantino, and Peter Jackson, and championed by respected legacy film critics like Roger Ebert and Leonard Maltin. The Times of London called him “the most powerful independent voice in movie criticism since Pauline Kael.” He was given book deals, television gigs, and unlimited access to films in progress. This guy had power. This guy. The “you’re fingers are wet” guy.

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