Heidi Neumark

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Heidi Neumark (born March 9, 1954) is the author of the book Breathing Space: A Spiritual Journey in the South Bronx (Beacon Press).


  • Sometimes when I'm short of patience, I focus on the little things, which I find myself doing more and more.
  • When will the work be finished? The wait is nearly unbearable. “Soon and very soon!” we sing each Sunday. “No more crying, no more dying, no more hunger, no more fighting!” We sing at the top of our lungs. We clap. Outside a siren’s high-pitched wail goes racing toward the next crisis. Soon can’t come soon enough.
  • Incarceration is very popular among conservatives, and yet many conservatives are Christians who don't often make the connection between the amount of money we're spending to incarcerate people versus the amount of money it would take to do preventative work and get a good education.
  • I try to find something that carries an emotional impact that connects with me and that I believe will connect with others.
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