Jennifer Morgan

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Jennifer Morgan, 2020

Jennifer Morgan (born 21 April 1966) is the Executive Director of Greenpeace International (since 2016).


  • The last IPCC report made it clear that every tenth counts when it comes to global warming. We are experiencing this up close on the entire planet – heat waves, heavy rain, a burning Arctic – we can really feel the climate emergency. If we land at two degrees instead of 1.5, many more hundreds of millions will suffer – that is simply shocking – and it was supposed to be a wake-up call. [1]
  • We must halve emissions over the next ten years, and then again by 2050, to achieve a climate neutral world economy – only this can save our future. [2]
  • Hydrocarbon exploration, any kind of fossil fuel exploration, is totally incompatible with 1.5C science and the urgent actions required to save our planet. The science is explicit, we must keep global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius if we want to avoid the most catastrophic impacts for both people and planet. [3]
  • I will not accept an invitation to be on a panel with a climate denier, because I don’t think that climate deniers who are clearly propagating fake news should be given a platform. [4]
  • I think the thing to know about climate deniers is that they’re often paid for by the fossil fuel industry. [5]
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