Michael Grimm

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Michael Grimm (2011)

Michael Gerard Grimm (born 7 February 1970) is an American politician who represented New York in the United States Congress from 2011 to 2015. Grimm is a member of the Republican Party, and during his time in office was the only Republican to represent a significant portion of New York City. He is a former FBI agent, businessman, attorney, and U.S. Marine, having served in the Persian Gulf War.

On April 28, 2014, Grimm was charged by federal authorities with 20 counts of fraud, federal tax evasion, and perjury. On December 23, 2014, he pleaded guilty to a single count of felony tax fraud. After initially vowing to retain his seat, Grimm announced on December 30, 2014, that he would resign from Congress effective January 5, 2015. There was a special election to replace him. He was sentenced to eight months in prison, a term he is currently serving.




  • Thanks a lot man, he don’t know who he’s fucking with. I'll fucking make him disappear where nobody will find him.
    • In New York City, New York (July 1999). As quoted in "The Mark" (2 May 2011), The New Yorker, by Evan Ratliff. (Grimm has denied saying this.)
  • I'm gonna fucking kill him. I'm a fucking FBI agent, ain't nobody gonna threaten me.
    • At the Caribbean Tropics in Queens, New York (July 1999). As quoted in "Congressman Grimm and the Nightclub" (29 April 2011), The New Yorker, by Evan Ratliff. (Grimm has denied saying this.)
  • Everybody get up against the fucking wall. The FBI is in control. All the white people get out of here.


  • I was extremely annoyed because I was doing NY1 a favor by rushing to do their interview first in lieu of several other requests. The reporter knew that I was in a hurry and was only there to comment on the State of the Union, but insisted on taking a disrespectful and cheap shot at the end of the interview, because I did not have time to speak off-topic I verbally took the reporter to task and told him off, because I expect a certain level of professionalism and respect, especially when I go out of my way to do that reporter a favor. I doubt that I am the first Member of Congress to tell off a reporter, and I am sure I won’t be the last.
  • I was wrong. I shouldn't have allowed my emotions to get the better of me and lose my cool. I have apologized to Michael Scotto, which he graciously accepted, and will be scheduling a lunch soon. In the weeks and months ahead I'll be working hard for my constituents on issues like flood insurance that is so desperately needed in my district post-Sandy.
  • I apologized. I called Michael Scotto up. He was very gracious in accepting my apology. We're going to have lunch sometime next week and make sure this is all behind us. This was an unfortunate incident that shouldn't have happened. I'm sure my Italian mother is going to be yelling at me, saying 'you weren't raised that way' and she's right. She's absolutely right.
  • From my days as a Marine in combat, to my tenure working undercover in the FBI, to my service as a Congressman representing the hardworking families on Staten Island and Brooklyn, I have spent my entire life fighting on behalf of the People with honor and integrity. The past 24 hours haven’t changed a thing, and I plan to work harder than ever for the people I am exceedingly proud to represent. To my constituents, let me be absolutely clear: the trumped-up charges against me are false and after my peers see the truth, justice will prevail. And while this groundless witch hunt proves there are powerful forces dedicated to tarnishing my reputation as part of a political vendetta, I’ll tell you what it doesn’t do: It doesn’t take back the billions of dollars in Superstorm Sandy aid I fought for in Congress, it doesn’t undo my flood insurance reform bill that will spare millions of Americans from skyrocketing premiums and home foreclosures, and it doesn’t negate the countless success stories of my office helping constituents with difficult challenges, from losing health coverage thanks to Obamacare, to being denied veteran survivor benefits, to helping our seniors deal with multiple daily struggles, simply put…the lives my staff and I have touched for the better are innumerable. And that’s why I am so heartened by the outpouring of love and support – I am truly humbled to work for the most salt of the earth people in the world. Which is why I am back working hard and doing what I’ve done from day one, relentless trying to improve their quality of life through old fashioned hard work and determination.

Quotes about Grimm

  • I've seen some people on Twitter this morning suggest that the outrage over Grimm's outburst is overblown. Politics ain't beanbag, and if you want to be involved in it you should learn to toughen up. Fair enough. But putting aside the annoying double standard with which we treat emotional outbursts on the job (crying at work is seen as unacceptably shameful, even though that display of emotion is inwardly directed and harms no one, whereas anger, which actually can harm people, is often rationalized as a display of passion or intensity) Scotto was asking Grimm, a public official, about a serious and important issue. Do we really want a political culture in which journalists can't ask public officials legitimate questions without getting browbeaten?
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