My Little Pony: The Movie (1986 film)

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My Little Pony: The Movie is a 1986 American animated musical fantasy film based on the Hasbro toy line, My Little Pony. Theatrically released on June 20, 1986 by De Laurentiis Entertainment Group through 20th Century Fox, the film features the voices of Danny DeVito, Madeline Kahn, Cloris Leachman, Rhea Perlman and Tony Randall.


  • Why can't you be evil like I taught you? Why won't you misbehave the way you should? You never use the guillotine I bought you! You just aren't bad enough for your own good!
  • Why can't you be mean, like Aunt Eureka? She fed her victims till they almost burst! Then cooked them with a smidgen of paprika. She always did her best to do her worst!
  • We're witches, wizards and warlocks! We're the reason honest people purchase doorlocks! We've turned princes into frogs, peasants into pheasants, soldiers and sailors into swine! We've never been accused of being angels, but as for being devils, we're divine!
  • One evil deed, that's all I asked! Oh, you're such a disappointment! I've given you everything a witch could want! Shabby clothes, a rotten place to live, all the foul-tasting food you can eat! And what do I get back? Nothing! Malevia over at Nightmare Heights, her daughter made Easter Sunday come up on a Tuesday! What've you done? Zip! A big fat zero!


  • Draggle dear, I just now had a flash! I still owe you a birthday gift or two! I suffered from a lack of ready cash, but now I'd like to make it up to you! I'll do the dirty work! I'll handle all the dirty work! Each humble job I'll assume! I'll be working overtime, collecting mold and filth and slime... all you have to do is get the phlume!


Baby Lickety Split: Hurry, Spike! Look! This is a great place!
Spike: A great place for what? My feet are killing me.
Baby Lickety Split: To fly! Like Wind Whistler and North Star!
Spike: But they're Pegasus Ponies! You're just an Earthling. You can't fly.
Baby Lickety Split: Can too. I can do anything. Watch.
Spike: No! You'll get hurt!
[Lickety Split jumps off the cliff with Spike grasping her tail]
Baby Lickety Split: We're flying!
Spike: [as they descend] We're falling!

Draggle: I thought we didn't need anybody else! Is that another lie?
Reeka: Put us down, Rainbow, please put us down!
Hydia: No! Don't put us down! Don't do that!
[the Rainbow drops the witches, who fall into the Smooze in the volcano]
Reeka: You! You and your smooze!
Draggle: Oh, it's all your fault... Mama!
Hydia: This is NOT my fault! And don't call me Mama!
Draggle: Mama!
Reeka: Mother!
Draggle: Mommy!
Reeka: Ma!

Draggle: Y'know, maybe we should get a room! Maybe it's time to move out, get a place of our own!
Reeka: Live with you? I'd rather get the phlume!
Draggle: Well, that's fine with me!
Reeka: [laughing] I love it when the wolf tries to eat Little Red!
Draggle: Me too! But she always gets away.
Reeka: Aah, but maybe this time she won't! Turn the page!
Draggle: You turn it! I turned the last one!
Reeka: But I'm eating!
Draggle: Oh, you're always eating!

Shady: Can I go with you? I never get to go anywhere.
Gusty: Oh no! Shady's nothing but bad luck!
Shady: Just give me a chance. My luck's bound to change... I think.
Magic Star: Everyone deserves a chance, Shady. You're in.

Hydia: Gorgeous! Ponyland is turning dark, dank, and dreary! The little ponies are doomed!
Draggle: Then we'll be all alone up here.
Hydia: Splendid! We don't need anybody else!
Reeka: [eating] Want some?
Draggle: What is it?
Reeka: Stuffed bat wings! Mmm, good!
Draggle: [eating one] Are you sure we don't need anyone?

Magic Star: I heard something that time!
Gusty: Well, I didn't.
Shady: Maybe it's going to rain. Maybe we'll get all wet and catch pneumonia!
Gusty: Oh, I knew you shouldn't have come.
Shady: No, I like the rain. I love it.
Magic Star: We'll worry about the rain later.

Draggle: Well... well... well... when we got the stuff to make the Smooze, we uh, we uh, we forgot the phlume!
Hydia: You forgot the PHLUME?
Reeka: It was an honest mistake, Mama!
Hydia: What... did you... call me?
Reeka: Sorry, Hydia! I didn't mean to call you Mama!
Hydia: I'm giving you one last chance, girls! Get the phlume, or GET A ROOM!

Shady: Oh, Gusty, look at you! It's all my fault! I know it!
Gusty: Yeah, it is! You're bad luck!
Magic Star: It's not your fault, Shady.
Gusty: Yes, it is! Yes, it is!
Bushwoolie #1: It's her fault! I can hardly move!
Bushwoolie #3: Yeah, her fault!
Magic Star: No, it's not. You're just grumpy because you've been smoozed.

Hydia: Now in order to make the Smooze, we'll need a few things... [shoves a long list into Reeka and Draggle's faces] Go get 'em!
Reeka and Draggle: [reading the list] Um, mold, mildew, muck, mire, fungus, slime, rust, and... and... PHLUME!
Hydia: Yes, phlume!
Draggle: Not phlume, Hydia, don't make us get phlume! Please don't!
Reeka: Look at all the other things on the list that says "not phlume!"

[trying to trick eachother into getting the phlume]
Draggle: Why, Reeka dear, you look a little pale! I fear you aren't feeling at your best! I hope you haven't come down with a chill... Perhaps you need to take a little rest!
Reeka: What about all the work we have to do? You're not going to do it all alone, are you?
Draggle: Why, Reeka darling, what are sisters for? Not to worry, not to worry! I'll do the dirty work! I'll handle all the dirty work! You go relax in your room! I'll collect the muck and mire; I wouldn't want you to perspire; All you have to do is get the phlume!

Spike: Where'd you learn that?
Baby Lickety Split: I made it up.
Spike: Well, you'd better un-make it quick.
Baby Lickety Split: You didn't like it?
Spike: Oh, it's great, Lickety Split, but if you do that in the show, you'll mess up everyone else. You're not the star, you know.
Baby Lickety Split: I can do whatever I want. Besides, maybe someday, I will be a star.
Spike: I hope so. Just don't do that step, okay?

[Reeka and Draggle look down a chasm]
Reeka: Ahgg, you in there?
[a roar fills the air]
Draggle: He's in there!
Reeka: We need your help, Ahgg!
[Another roar]
Draggle: Please, Ahgg, don't be difficult!
[Another roar as two giant legs swipe at the witches]
Reeka: [holding out a plate] Nice Ahgg, here! I fixed something special for you!
[Ahgg grabs the plate from Reeka. Crunching is heard]
Draggle: Ah, he likes it!
Reeka: Does that mean you'll help?
[a giant belch comes from the chasm]
Draggle: Is that a yes or a no?

Reeka: What a day! First the phlume, now Ahgg!
Draggle: We have to do everything!
Reeka: This is it, I mean it! I'm through after this! From now on Hydia can do everything herself!
Draggle: Are you going to tell her?
Reeka: Don't bother me!

