Pokémon the Movie: White—Victini and Zekrom/Black—Victini and Reshiram

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Pokémon the Movie: White—Victini and Zekrom/Black—Victini and Reshiram are the 2011 films with different versions which are the fourteenth movie in the Pokémon film series. Directed by Kunihiko Yuyama.



White—Victini and Zekrom

Black—Victini and Reshiram

[First lines]
Narrator: The Pokémon world! An astounding place, that almost defies description, with it's abundance and granger and of course, Pokémon! Flying high, above the clouds, swimming deep, under the sea and roaming on it's beautiful lands. They can be found everywhere you care to look. Here we find a young man, named Ash Ketchum, who hails from Pallet Town, working with his partner Pikachu, to catch other Pokémon and refine his Pokémon battling kill. As he travels with his friends, there have been twist and turns on the road during Ash's journey as a Pokémon Trainer. Indeed, his road has branched off in many directions. Lost at times, occasionaly retracing his steps, or forcing him to take the long way. But through it all continuing his journey just the same in order to realise his ideals, as of yet, unseen.
Narrator: The Pokémon world! An astounding place, that almost defies description, with it's abundance and granger and of course, Pokémon! Flying high, above the clouds, swimming deep, under the sea and roaming on it's beautiful lands. They can be found everywhere you care to look. Here we find a young man, named Ash Ketchum, who hails from Pallet Town, working with his partner Pikachu, to catch other Pokémon and refine his Pokémon battling kill. As he travels with his friends, there have been twist and turns on the road during Ash's journey as a Pokémon Trainer. Indeed, his road has branched off in many directions. Lost at times, occasionaly retracing his steps, or forcing him to take the long way, but through it all continuing his journey just the same in order to find truths, hidden within us all.

Mannes: You see, both Juanita and I, are descendants of the tribe called the People of the Vale.
Ash: People of the Vale?
Cilan: It's the tribe mentioned in the castle's legend.
Carlita: Correct.
Juanita: We'll tell you a story of Victini and the People of the Vale.
Mannes: [puts the book in the table] Here we go. Have a look. Over a thousand year ago, [opens the book] the People of the Vale proudly lived under the rule of a mighty king.
Ash: It's Victini.
Iris: Was it the king's Pokémon?
Mannes: Yes, that's what the legend says.
Juanita: The king ruled over, what was called, the Kingdom of the Vale.
Cilan: Kingdom of the Vale?
Mannes: The Kingdom drew it's energy from the Dragon Force.
Ash: What's Dragon Force?
Damon: It's the power, that flows invisible throughout our planet.
Mannes: By using that power wisely, people and Pokémon alike, were able to create an environment in perfect harmony, at one with nature. The King had two sons: Twin princes. And both princes were filled with wisdom and courage. Each prince possessed a unique quality, for which they were nicknamed: The Hero of Ideals and the Hero of Truth. They were greatly loved.
Iris: Are those...?
Cilan: Pokémon?
Mannes: [agrees] Both princes were accompanied by great Dragon Pokémon.
Carlita: Zekrom and Reshiram.
Damon: Both of them granted great wisdom and strength, only to those judged worthy. But...
Ash, Iris and Cilan: Huh?
Damon: ...the country lost it's way and the two princes became enemies.
Mannes: Which eventualy lead to a great and destructive war.
Juanita: The two fought ferociously, finally wounding each other.
Mannes: Which used up all of there life energy. These great Dragon Pokémon were transformed into stone and fell into a long, deep slumber.
Juanita: By the time the two princes realised the mistake, they had made, it was too late. The Dragon Force energy became chaotic.
Mannes: Witnessing the destruction of his people land, the King decided to use the power of Victini.
Iris: Victini's...
Cilan: Power, wow.
[In the flashback]
Victini: Tini?
King of the People of the Vale: Victini, please. Grant me the use of your power.
Victini: Tini!
Juanita: In order to harness Victini's power, the King created a Barrier around the castle, using the Pillars of Protection.
Mannes: So, with all of the town's people, gathered on top of the castle, it lifted up, into the sky. And the castle was carried to this mountain top.
Juanita: However, the King's power was spent and the Pillars of Protection and the Barrier remained.
Mannes: Eventualy, the chaos within the Dragon Force subsided. The two princes were filled with deep remorse and the moved the stone Dragon Pokémon to a safe and secret location. [closes the book]
Damon: But, the People of the Vale lost their bond with the land and scattered everywhere. They've been leaving behind Victini, who vanished from sight.
Ash: Victini's been here for more then a thousand years?
Iris: A thousand years?
Cilan: And trapped inside the Barrier for all that time.
[Pikachu, Axew and Victini are playing together]
Ash: Victini...
Damon: Look over there. That's where the Kingdom once was. My goal is to bring the Kingdom of the Vale back to life.
Carlita: Huh? Back to life?

Damon: You said, it would be nice, if the Kingdom of the Vale could be restored.
Juanita: Hmm... I did.
[In the flashback]
Juanita: The energy of this land no longer flows here. So neither people, nor Pokémon can live.
Young Damon: Would it be great if they could?
Juanita: Mm-hmm. That's my dream, Damon.
[flashback ends]
Damon: And now, I can finally fulfill that dream of yours.
Juanita: Huh?

[In Victini's vision]
King of the People of the Vale: [last words] The Sword of the Vale must not be moved. If the Sword of the Vale is moved once more, the Dragon Force will be disturbed, and that could destroy our entire world... which means the castle should never be moved again. [dies]
Victini: Tini? Tini?
[Ash wakes up after seeing Victini's vision]
Ash: Ah.
Iris: Ash.
Axew: Xew.
Cilan: You're awake.
Pikachu: Pikapi!
Iris: Thank goodness.
Ash: Where am I?
Cilan: In the castle store room.
Juanita: Ash, please, forgive me.
Carlita: Forgive my brother.
Ash: Huh? Ah. He shouldn't have moved the castle.
Juanita and Carlita: Huh?
Ash: If the castle's moved, the Dragon Force will be disturbed and it will destroy the world.
Juanita: What did you say?
Ash: Victini just told me so. The castle was moved to the top of the mountain to keep the disturbance of the Dragon Force from getting out of control.
Carlita: It can't be.
Juanita: According to legend, the Dragon Force became disturbed after Reshiram turned to stone. Which means, Reshiram doesn't know.
Juanita: According to legend, the Dragon Force became disturbed after Zekrom turned to stone. Which means, Zekrom doesn't know.
Cilan: So, what do we do?
Iris: Reshiram's too strong.
Juanita: Hmm... Oh. Zekrom.
Ash: Zekrom?
Iris: Zekrom's too strong.
Juanita: Hmm... Oh. Reshiram.
Ash: Reshiram?
Iris: The other great Dragon Pokémon.
Carlita: Zekrom has the power to stop Reshiram.
Ash: Okay, but where's Zekrom?
Juanita: Reshiram was beneath the castle. That's where Damon found it. Then that means, Zekrom must ne nearby, as well.
Carlita: Reshiram has the power to stop Zekrom.
Ash: Okay, but where's Reshiram?
Juanita: Zekrom was beneath the castle. That's where Damon found it. Then that means, Reshiram must ne nearby, as well.
Cilan: Beneath the castle.
Juanita: Hmm.

Zekrom: [inside the Dragon Stone] What is your wish? Your ideal?
Ash: Ideal? I really wanna help Victini. I've gotta help! Victini lived here all alone for a thousand years. Lonely. Must've been so lonely. I promised, I'd take Victini to the ocean.
Zekrom: [reveals itself] It is your will, that shall bring your ideal to life.
Reshiram: [inside the Dragon Stone] What is your wish? Your truth?
Ash: My truth... I really wanna help Victini. I've gotta help! Victini lived here all alone for a thousand years. Lonely. Must've been so lonely. I promised, I'd take Victini to the ocean.
Reshiram: [reveals itself] It is your courage, that shall become your truth.

Damon: Sometimes in a search for the truth, sacrifices are required.
Ash: You're wrong. 'Cause I don't need that kinda truth.
Damon: Sometimes in a search for ideals, sacrifices are required.
Ash: My ideals don't need sacrifice.

Damon: But why, Reshiram? But why?
Reshiram: I can hear the land's anger.
Damon: But why, Zekrom? But why?
Zekrom: I can hear the land's anger.
Damon: Anger?
[Iris, Axew, Cilan, Carlita, Juanita and Mannes arrive]
Juanita: Damon, the Vale is in deep trouble.
Mannes: The Dragon Force is out of control.
Damon: It can't be.

Damon: Ash, you can't give up. Because you've been chosen by the great Dragon Pokémon.
Ash: Me, give up? No way.

[Last lines]
[Damon grunts and falls to his knees]
Carlita: Damon, what...
Damon: Everyone, please, forgive me.
Juanita: Damon... [lifts Damon up and hits him softly with her hand] The future's what's important. The truth of the People of the Vale. That's where it lies.
Juanita: Damon... [lifts Damon up and hits him softly with her hand] The future's what's important. Let's restore the land of our ideals.
[Damon smiles]