Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones

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Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones is a 2005 video game and a sequel to 2004's Prince of Persia: Warrior Within.

The Prince

  • Father, I have brought us honour and glory.
  • Trust not a man who has betrayed his master, nor take him into your own service, lest he betray you too. I learned the truth of this, to my sorrow, the day we arrived in Azad as the Sultan's honoured guests.
  • When a man is faced with his own death, he finds the impossible less of a barrier.
  • He now had his prize, but for some unknown reason coveted the Dagger as well. Well, I would give him what he sought. I would plunge it into his foul and treacherous heart!
  • Finding my way to the baths from here should be easy. I'll just ask the next sand creature that I come across - 'Excuse me, could you direct me to the baths please? Thank You!' 'Don't mention it! I used to be a bath attendant back when I was alive!'. *imitating Farah* 'I'll meet you at the baths!' She orders me around as if I was a servant! It's my own fault. With women, you have to show them you're in charge right from the start, or they'll walk all over you! I've been too indulgent. Probably because I felt sorry for her. Well, it stops now! From now on, she'll have to toe the line. (pause) That is, assuming I can find her.
  • I could marry her! After all, she is a Maharajah's daughter. A conquered one, but still, her blood is royal. . . . All right, I've decided. I will marry her. I'll tell her the first chance I get.
  • My father's army sacked your palace, captured you as a slave; you have every reason to hate you want me to trust you?
  • I had faced my enemy, I had looked into his eyes, and I had lost...everything.
  • ....and though I fought until the desert sands themselves were red with blood; I could not bring back the dead.
  • To live forever...when those I loved are dead, and I to blame? I choose death.
  • (when you die) No no no, that's not the way it happened. Shall I start again?
  • (warcry) For Babylon!
  • Do not worry Kaileena, no harm will come to you in Babylon.
  • You will pay for what you have done to my people!
  • To undo what I have done? Surely you must think I'm a fool.
  • I have seen the error of my ways, and I have atoned for the transgressions of my past...I am no longer that person.
  • Experience has taught me that wishful thinking only leads to disappointment.
  • You will pay for this transgression.
  • I have more important matters to attend to.
  • Death! Death to all who stand in my way.
  • Father would be proud.
  • Why is it that everytime disaster strikes I find myself without a proper blade?
  • Just call me.... Kakulookia.

Vizier (Zurvan)

  • Your majesty, I trust you will remember your promise. The Maharajah's treasure vaults lie within.
  • Inside the hourglass is a marvel that no living man has seen. Alas, only the dagger can unlock the sands of time, and it belongs to a greater one than I; a young prince, dearer to his father than all the wealth of India. Perhaps he would oblige...
  • Ah, you must be the Prince of Persia, come home at last! Too late, I'm afraid.
  • Give me the dagger; you have unleashed the sands of time. I can undo what you have done... Give it to me!
  • A wild tale indeed. I have a simpler version. A Persian soldier, lusting for glory, entered the chambers of the Maharajah's daughter, and was slain by me...
  • Farah will make an excellent Queen, after we make some... Modifications.
  • I am Zurvan, God of Time!
  • This is not what the dagger promised!!


  • Why did I trust you; why didn't you trust me?
  • If it comforts you to mock me then by all means continue, but you are so focused on killing him that you've thrown strategy completely out the window! You could have died...
  • Kakolukia...
  • What is your favourite colour?
  • I saw what you did in the workshop, and what the Old man said is true. You are a Prince.
  • If this tomb is to be ours, at least the dagger will be buried with us. And... we are together.
  • You don't understand, I need that dagger to-
  • What is he like... your father?
  • Look! A crack!
  • Prince? You're a Sand monster?... You lied to me all this time! Stay away from me!
  • You are right to be cautious, but fight as bravely as you may, you cannot defeat this enemy! The Sands will spread! They will consume... Everything! I have heard it said that you are kind as well as brave. Please, help me find the hourglass...
  • Prince, There's still something I don't understand... How did you really know my name?
  • Listen to this: [reading] "Love is life, so if you want to live, die in love, die in love if you want to stay alive".
  • I'll cover you!
  • Seven years? What are you talking about?
  • I owe you thanks... But why did you invent such a fantastic story? Do you think me a child, that I would believe such nonsense?
  • Wait... I don't even know your name.

The Dark Prince

  • Now you see what happened when you try to help people? You die!
  • All that is yours is rightfully mine... and mine it will be!
  • You really do have a way with women. Those you don't get killed can't get far enough away from you.
  • I did not spin myself out of the ether, I was not conjured by some mad vizier. I am you! Your rage, your pride, your selfish ways; they give me form and substance!
  • Seasons change, tastes change... but people? People never change, and you delude yourself believing otherwise...
  • You mean to kill me then, to cut me down like all your other enemies? Swing that sword Prince! We've seen how well that works.
  • Do you think you would be here now if not for me? How many times did I save you? How many times did I unblock your path, take down your enemies, remind you of your mission? While all you did was cry about your father and Kaileena and Farah, how everything bad always happens to you! Boo-hoo, Prince!
  • If I am selfish, Prince, it is because you are. If I am ruthless and reckless and lacking in morals it is because you are.
  • Such violence! Your anger serves only to feed me. So I have to ask, have you really changed? After all I am right here standing before you!
  • Blue? That’s not my favourite colour.
  • While I admire your bravado... It would be wise for you to show some respect!
  • I am your untapped potential, your unrealized dreams! I am part of you.
  • Tick tock, Prince. Tick, tock.
  • Time is precious. Time is fleeting. Time... Is something you have very little of.
  • Would you like to have a drink?
  • So what now? Perform another Grand Rewind? Or maybe go back to the Island Of Time to return to a moment where he didn't die, maybe, saving a damsel in distress along the way?
  • Maybe Babylon is better off in Zurvan's hands.
  • You call yourself a warrior!? Ha Ha!
  • I have nothing but noble intentions~
  • You self-righteous BAST---(The prince cuts him off)
  • No no NO! We are so close!
  • No! what are you doing?
  • Do not ignore me! Do not leave me behind! NOOOO! [Last words].

The Old Man

  • All hail the Prince of Persia, the greatest hero this city has ever known. You have saved the people of this city and we have come to return the favor.


Prince: [touches water and reverts back from being the Dark Prince] Water seems to fight this corruption... Why didn't you tell me this?
Dark Prince: [chuckles] What? And ruin all the fun?

Farah: Do you think you could move a little faster?
Prince: You're more than welcome to come down here and try it yourself! (mumbles) Seven years, and still nothing has changed...
Farah: Seven years? What are you talking about?
Prince: It was... er... figure of speech!
Farah: There's something very odd about you.
Dark Prince: [chuckles] She has NO idea.

Farah: I will cover you!
Prince: Please don't; You're liable to hit me.
Prince: *gets hit by an arrow* OUCH!
Farah: Oops, sorry!

Prince: Wait, Farah!
Farah: How do you know my name?
Dark Prince: I eagerly await your response.
Prince: I have heard tales of a beautiful...and brave Princess of India. One who has travelled to Babylon to punish an evil Vizier who has caused her...great distress.

(Farah raises her bow, readies an arrow, and aims toward the Prince)

Dark Prince: See? Now she's going to kill us.

Farah: Try moving the switch forward.
Prince: With my luck it will probably spring some horrible trap, or summon sand monsters, or bring about the end of the world!
Farah: Would it kill you to show a little optimism?
Prince: Experience has taught me that wishful thinking only leads to disappointment.

Dark Prince: With the ability to manipulate time itself, you had the chance to become the greatest king the world has ever known. What wars you could have fought; what monuments you could have erected in your honor; what women you could have kept. But you have failed me, Prince. You grew soft and sympathetic; my attempts to convince you to seek glory fell on deaf ears. So, I bided my time; waiting for the proper moment to strike. You do not deserve what you have been given, control over the world's greatest empire. With the power of the Sands at your command you could rule the world. You have squandered it Prince, I will do it justice, and so it should be *mine*!
Prince: You are just a parasite, you deserve NOTHING!
Dark Prince: But don't I? Have I not earned it? Do you think you'd still be here if not for me? How many times did I save you? How many times have I unblocked your path, cut down your enemies, remind you of your mission? While all you did was cry about your father, and Kaileena, and Farah, how everything bad always happens to you. Boo hoo, Prince!
Prince: Your words are empty, have always been empty. You are just a desperate, selfish spirit.
Dark Prince: If I am selfish, Prince, it is because *you* are. If I am ruthless and reckless and lacking in morals, it is because *you* are. I did not spin myself from out of the ether, I was not conjured by some mad vizier; I am *YOU*.
Prince: No, I have seen the error of my ways, and I have atoned for the transgressions of my past. I am no longer that person.
Dark Prince: Seasons change, tastes change. But people... people never change. You delude yourself believing otherwise. Do not fight me. Set down your sword; embrace me. Do you mean to kill me then, to cut me down like all your other enemies? SWING THAT SWORD, PRINCE! We'll see how well that works. Such violence, your anger serves only to feed me. So I have to ask, have you really changed? After all, I'm still right here standing before you.