Rina Mor

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Rina Mor in 2015

Rina Mor (born February 16 1956) is an Israeli lawyer, writer, and beauty contest winner Miss Universe 1976.



"Miss Universe Captivates New York" (1976)


"Miss Universe Captivates New York" Jewish Telegraphic Agency (July 21, 1976)

  • I'm no politician. I think my being Miss Universe will show people that Israel has another side, not only war.
  • I am so surprised by New York City. I thought New York must be ugly and unpleasant, you know, I saw all those movies about New York….But New York is beautiful and the people here are really nice.
  • All I want is to continue to study….I want to learn about everything, about people, about life.
  • As Miss Universe I can reach people who are usually not interested in politics and are not familiar with the problems of the Mideast. In that way I can make a modest contribution to peace. And another thing: as Miss Universe I can show the world that life in Israel is not all war.
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