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Surrogacy in the world (allowed in blue, prohibited in red)

Surrogacy or gestation for others (GPA), improperly called, womb for rent is an arrangement in which a woman carries and delivers a child for another couple or person.

  • Who are we to know that all women are unaware, uninformed, exploited? Who are we to decide that any woman who consents to gpa [Gestation for Others], even if well paid and properly informed, has no sense of her own femininity and integrity? We believe, dear mothers, that it is possible to connect the desires of some and the availability of a woman to carry on a pregnancy for them. We reject the idea of ​​the barbaric man and the manipulated or manipulable woman. A special thank you therefore goes to the new fathers and the new families, and I am not referring so much to the same-parent families, but above all to the hetero-parental families who support all families if they are based on love, respect and care for their children, and who have in the square, on April 30th, to celebrate rainbow families, families like any other. (Eugenia Romanelli)
  • There's something about the concept of a rented womb that scares me. And it has nothing to do with homosexuality or heterosexuality; The logic of "we do it because it's possible" scares me (Beppe Grillo)
  • As long as it is on a voluntary basis and there is no exploitation, in my opinion it is legitimate. Research shows that altruistic motivation and the transfer of money - for example in the form of expense reimbursement - can coexist. Let us rather make a strict law that does not allow abuse, given that 95% of Italians who resort to it abroad are heterosexual. However, I am surprised by the battle against surrogacy that some feminist comrades are carrying on. (Monica Cirinnà)
  • I have many reservations about surrogacy [...]. It is a practice that lends itself to the exploitation of women. (Laura Boldrini)
  • The term "womb for rent" has in itself an offensive connotation, as a term used, both for the woman, who is reduced to her uterus, and for the people who believe they can resort to this instrument to pursue the aim of have a child. (Maria Cecilia Guerra)
  • I have always found it monstrous that you can rent a woman's uterus and then take away her baby - and the baby will never know who its mother is - out of a form of emotional selfishness which however does enormous damage to both the mother and and to the children who will always wonder whose children they are. [...] First of all you create the unhappiness of a mother who will not know where her children are just because in a moment of economic difficulty she had to accept money to do an action that she will regret Surely. [...] If you want a child, you adopt him first of all, and this is a wonderful thing, because those who are rich can also afford to adopt not one, but ten children, visit them, cuddle them, give them gifts, prepare A beautiful life. Why does one have to say "No, this is my son because he comes from my seed but I stole him from his mother"? (Elio Fiorucci)
  • I have met wonderful families homoparentality in America and a couple here, and it is certain that overseas they have a much better chance of living like so-called "normal" families. Even on 'gestation for others', the horrendous term uterus for rent, my position is one of great acceptance, even if I would never resort to it or give it to myself. But for me individual freedoms are above everything. (Enrica Bonaccorti)
  • Surrogacy is an abuse of power in an economically unbalanced world like the current one we live in. It increasingly puts poor women in the position of choosing whether to commercialize and sell their motherhood or condemn themselves and their children to poverty. It is extremely cruel, as it is also when women have to emigrate and abandon their families to earn a minimum wage to survive or end up in the network of prostitution for the same reason. [...] Apart from economic exploitation, I reject surrogate motherhood for ethical reasons: a person's psyche begins to build itself during pregnancy through the perception of the voice and the effects of maternal hormones that circulate in the fetal tissues and which match to the mother's voice and state of mind. Therefore, separation from the biological mother is always traumatic for the child and should be avoided whenever possible. (Teresa Forcades)
  • Surrogate mother. Uterus for rent. Far-fetched words, to express a reality that is not human. [...] Nobody here condemns the desire for motherhood or fatherhood, God forbid. But children are not a right, they are a gift, and if science can help us it is clear that it must have limits. Children must have only one father and only one mother (an aggravating factor for the horrible spectacle of homosexuals hugging their stuffed animal), and having to prove this is so ridiculous that it really seems like the times have come - Chesterton – in which "everything will become a creed... fires will be stoked to testify that two plus two equals four, swords drawn to demonstrate that the leaves are green in summer"... (Costanza Miriano )
  • When we are faced with an altruistic gestation, when we have clarified the difference that exists between the principle of non-marketability of the human body and intangibility, we must also recognize, at this point, the principle of female autonomy. The moment a woman decides clearly, autonomously, altruistically to help a couple become parents, having already been a mother herself, having already carried on a pregnancy, having no particular economic needs, in the name of what we must victimize her and we must consider that she has no ability to freely express her consent? (Michela Marzano)
  • It is not a question of homosexuality, we are talking about both homosexual and heterosexual couples. It is a practice to be avoided because children are not bought. It is a trade that must be blocked (Luigi Di Maio)
  • I have no absolute certainties, but I recognize that the world is changing, that sterility is increasing and young couples who want a child don't know what to do. If other countries emancipated from the point of view of public ethics accept this choice, with conditions, I don't see why we can't do it. Reality comes before political and religious positions. (Dacia Maraini)
  • We didn't invent the family. The Holy Family made it an icon, but there is no religion, there is no social state that matters: you are born and you have a father and a mother. Or at least it should be like this, which is why I am not convinced by those who I call children of chemistry, the synthetic children. Wombs for rent, seeds chosen from a catalogue. And then go and explain to these children who the mother is. Procreating must be an act of love, today not even psychiatrists are ready to face the effects of these experiments. (Domenico Dolce)
  • [Offering one's body, even if for financial compensation, to donate a child to someone who cannot have it independently, is it not an act of freedom?] If done with love, why not? The world changes, new realities, new needs arise. I consider the desire for motherhood or fatherhood to be legitimate. And beautiful too. It is not an act of selfishness: there is the desire, very human and ancient, to prolong life, to find those who will continue to follow our path after us, to take care of and grow a new creature that will have something of us, despite being autonomous. (Dacia Maraini)
  • So, if you can't give birth alone and you need a third wheel to do your thing, it's better that you don't have to. [...] the satisfied and triumphant fathers, let's say against nature and against all common sense, of these children with a mother without how can they be so satisfied? How can they look at these wonderful creatures that crawl around them and give to their twisted genes, as well as financial assets that certainly should not be wasted on charity here and now, a cynical belief of total belonging to the world on the skin of that anonymous mother, distorted but without ignominy , overwhelmed in her pain as an eternal child who was ultimately raped even with the best intentions and without a cry left to be heard from that darkness removed not only from her but also from those who exploited her? How can these surrogate fathers of surrogate mothers look at these beloved and doubly idolized children as the prizes of a victorious hubris without feeling disgust for themselves at the thought of that unconscious, painful, abandoned mammal who provided them for them and got out of the way? , indeed, that it was actually removed from the way perhaps with a final transfer to seal an initial letter of credit? Of a blood credit never again due, extinct - like the uterus that pumped him for nine months as if it were pumping the flat tire of a bicycle that wasn't hers? (Aldo Busi)
  • I have always been against it, I would never use a woman as an incubator. (Alessandro Cecchi Paone)

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