Talk:John Waters

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Latest comment: 14 years ago by Antiquary in topic Unsourced
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Wikiquote no longer allows unsourced quotations, and they are in process of being removed from our pages (see Wikiquote:Limits on quotations); but if you can provide a reliable, precise and verifiable source for any quote on this list please move it to John Waters. --Antiquary 11:39, 20 September 2009 (UTC)Reply

  • My hobby is extreme Catholic behavior -- BEFORE the Reformation.
  • If you can make someone laugh who's dead set against you, that's the first step to winning them over to your side.
  • Some call me director, producer, filmmaker. I prefer to call myself pube-king.
  • Strive for art in reverse.
  • I would love to make a movie for very neurotic children. But then perhaps, I've already done that. I've shown my films at children's birthday parties. They just love them, like Punch and Judy shows.
  • Oh, Squeaky Fromme, where were you when we needed you?"
  • As far as socially redeeming value, I hope I don't have any.
  • I love Judy Garland, but if a reporter were coming to my home, I wouldn't have her music playing. A gay man loving Judy would be like a black person watching a minstrel show.
  • Who on earth would want to assassinate Danny Thomas? It wouldn't even make the front page!
  • My favorite movie idea is to do a movie where everything's fake — the trees, the grass, even the sun.
  • As a child, I always wanted to sit in William Castle's lap, not Santa's!
  • I'm 100% gay and about 20% in gay society. Sometimes I'm more comfortable in punk rock clubs than gay clubs. There are just as many rules I rebel from in the gay world as the straight one. I'm gaily incorrect, but I do vote gay.
  • Sometimes I wish I was a woman, just so that I could get an abortion.
  • A movie star is someone you want to either get drunk with or have sex with.
  • No matter what your sexual preference or gender, no one likes a man who is fussy about his looks. You can spend as much time as you want looking good. But don't do it in public.
  • I've always wanted to sell out. The problem's been, no one's ever wanted to buy me.
  • I don't trust anyone who hasn't been arrested at least once.
  • What year was that? [1972] Oh, I was on LSD. I wasn't paying attention."
  • I don't need THAT to not vote for George Bush!
    • When asked if Bush's opposition to gay marriage would sway his vote.
  • I don't of care if [the Democrats] nominate Anna Nicole Smith, I still won't vote for Bush! - on if Al Gore's lack of appeal will hurt the Democrats in the election, Politically Incorrect, Summer 2000
  • Nobody ever really felched anybody.
  • Everyone in the audience was on drugs, everyone in the movies themselves were on drugs, and I was on drugs when I thought them up.
  • Pink Flamingos was made as a crime, almost. Nobody gave me a headshot for that movie. The guy with the singing asshole just came up and showed me.
  • If you are unlucky enough to be heterosexual and persist in having affairs anyway, make sure they are with a blood relation, preferably your mother or father.