Thomas Paprocki

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Thomas John Joseph Paprocki (August 5, 1952–) is an American prelate of the Roman Catholic Church.


  • I just try to teach what the Catholic Church teaches. I do not seek notoriety or controversy, but it just goes to show how anti-Catholic our secular culture has become and how countercultural being a Christian actually is.
  • In view of their gravely immoral action to deprive unborn children legal protection against abortion, it must be said that any Catholic legislator who sponsored, promoted, advocated, or voted for these pro-abortion bills has acted in a seriously sinful manner unfaithful to the 2,000-year-old Christian teaching against abortion and therefore, would place themselves outside of the full communion of the Catholic Church, such persons are not to receive Holy Communion until they have celebrated the sacrament of reconciliation and displayed a public conversion of life.
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