Tony Gonzalez

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Gonzalez in 2005

Anthony David Gonzalez (born February 27, 1976) is a former American football tight end.


  • I’m going into my 13th year in the NFL, and I switched over [to a plant-based diet] two years ago. … [T]he day after a game, everybody’s sore … and I’m jumping rope and they’re looking at me like, ‘Man you’re supposed to be the old guy on the team. You’re acting like you’re the youngest guy on the team.’
  • When I was in high school, I ate the kind of stuff that the average, unhealthy American kid loves to eat. … The changes I've made are for future health as well as current physical performance and well-being. I'm no longer that kid who stuffed himself with whatever food came his way. With luck and a little education, I've made the necessary changes in time to avoid the health problems that a kid like that inevitably faces. Yes, deep down inside, that kid is still there, wanting to hang out with his pals at the nearest burger joint. But I can look forward as well as back. And what I'm looking forward to is the opportunity to take the road to wellness.
    • The All-Pro Diet: Lose Fat, Build Muscle, and Live Like a Champion (Rodale Books, 2009), Introduction.
  • Everyone knows that we need to make better choices with what we eat. Football players are no different – and they’ve seen me, coming in at year fourteen, which I completely attribute to the dramatic change in my diet. Eating a more plant-based diet has allowed me to bounce back quicker, it’s helped me to stay around the NFL and still play at the high-level I play at – at a physically demanding position. I attribute everything to my diet.
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